
What would have been a proper tip for this tab?

by  |  earlier

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There were four people we went to a barbecue place and the bill came to $102.00 (yeah what did we eat right lol) what would have been in your opinion a proper tip to give to the waitress. She was very polite and helpful if that means anything.




  1. I generally tip according to the service, not the bill. With 4 people eatting I'm sure with each of us pitching in she would have gotten at least 15-20 $

  2. For 4 people and 102.00 bill, I would have easily left 25 bucks minimum.

  3. If you had really good service and the food was good I would have given her a $25. tip.

  4. For adequate service atleast 15% for good or great service more. in your scenario atleasst 20%

  5. Minimum of $20 - $25 tip if she was really good, polite and attentive.  I would have left $30...I am a good tipper for good service.

  6. I would probably have left about $20.

  7. 10% is considered adequate.

    if the service was exceptional then i would have given $15 to $20

  8. I know tipping is a hot topic but I think 10% is low for good to great service. If its Dennys or the like I'd say 10%-15% is fine but at a resturant I am used to tipping on the higher end if the service warrants it. I'm more of a 20%-25% tipper especially for exceptional service. I usually dine out myself and I usually have a $15-$20 ticket and basically if the service warrants it I give $5-$7 as a tip. I was out once with friends and the tab for 4 of us came out to around $50. The waitress had a $20 tip pretty much. We basically wanted for nothing. She trained other people to be servers. She must of been a Psych major.

    On your $102 tab my tip would of been $15-$25 depending upon the quality of the service and how attentive she was. Sounds like she did a good job. At least $20. I say if you don't tip 15% or better then get takeout. Its really not fair in my view to waste a servers time running hard for you. Even better do fast food if you are cheap.

  9. 20 % of total

  10. $20

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