
What would have been the physical characteristics of the ancient Phillistines?

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What would have been the physical characteristics of the ancient Phillistines?




  1. This question really belongs over in Anthropology since it is about Physical characteristics of an ANCIENT group.

    The Philistines judging from currently available evidence were a mixture of several groups, Semitic, Indo-European and other.

    They were probably descendants of the Sea Peoples along with refugees from the fall of the Hyksos regime in the Egyptian delta and also some later greek colonists and refugees from the Dorian invasion.

    As religious artifacts suggest strong Semitic influence the priests commoners and lower classes may have been descended from pagan survivors of the pre Israelite population who moved to the coast or already lived there?

  2. I would imagine that the Philistines, being in modern day Israel, would look like Semitics - Arabs, North Africans, Moors, etc

  3. um.. im going to assume your refering to the biblical sense and that is why you place your question here.

    so i think they were big people. meaning tall, muscular men. and tall, lean women.

    they were very beautiful people.

    e.g. delilah.

    but obviously, not quite as intelligent as the bible leads on.

    their skin color was a brownish-olive color.

    hope i helped answer your question. i wish i could answer more thoroughly, but all i know is the samson and delilah story.

    "the philistines be upon you, samson."

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