
What would have happened if Bhajji had slapped and Andrew Symonds had said weeds to great Khali?

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What would have happened if Bhajji had slapped and Andrew Symonds had said weeds to great Khali?




  1. well then we would be hearing news about court hearing about it

  2. Another question wasting space on the internet.

  3. I rate this question as totally irrelevant & wonder why you wasted your time?

  4. It would never happen because singh is a pathetic gutless t**t who acts like a schoolyard bully. Sreesanth is obviously of a lower caste than him so he felt it was quite ok to slap him around a bit.

    Try it with an Aussie / Pom / Sth African?? He'd get his fu<king turban belted into next week, the slimy little p***k.

  5. Does it really matter? Get your mind of those idiot cricketers & pay attention to the game itself.

  6. I would clap... Austrilians need to get out of the IPL

  7. What would have happened if bhajji would have slapped whom?...well i assume tht wht would have happened if bhajji would have slapped symonds....well...if he would have slapped symonds...then he would surely get a blast of it both from BCCI and symonds:D

    and btw y would symonds call khali a weed?:-/

    wht's the relation?and even if he would have called hali a weed..then symonds would get a blast of it..hehehe...a great blast...THUD!!:D

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