
What would have happened if Christianity didn't unite Europe and defend it from Muslim invaders?

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talking about the incident that created the Crusades...the first was successful in that it beat back Muslims from invading Europe...the others were out of greed...but what if Christianity never united Europe to fight Muslim invaders to Europe...




  1. Yes your right.we would all be muslim now.Good point.

    Very few people on this site seem to have much of a clue when it comes to history.They just seem to repeat tired old myths.

  2. it didnt..

  3. The Byzantine empire acted a buffer between the Muslim world and Christian Western Europe.  It was because of the Byzantine empire that Europe was protected from Islamic invasion, not because of the Crusades.  Besides, even if it had been taken over, I don't see much difference between intolerant, oppressive Muslim rule and intolerant, oppressive Christian rule.

  4. I wouldn't call the Crusades a great event in history, it's not really something I would want to brag about it

  5. It didn't unite Europe.

  6. Enlightenment thus Atheism and all of the wonders science has given us would have not likely to have happened to the same degree...however the Islam we see today is not the Islam of the Dark Ages even of the 1800's.... the Fundamentalism we see today has originated from Wahhabism which may not have taken hold if Islam had more of an Empire as any compromise to stability would have been quoshed.

  7. Hello,

    Its not really all that much to do with Christianity.

    The most decisive battle in European history was the Battle Of Tours, in 732 AD where Charles Martel stopped the Muslim armies from getting into France and the rest of Europe:

    A quick summary:

    Also the Mongol invasions really put a big kibosh on the Muslim world as well where their Golden age and dreams in present day Iraq was shaken to the ground.


    Michael Kelly

  8. There would be slavery, you probably would be in captive,there would n't be internet or anything entertaining.Europe would have been in ruins and there would be no difference between Europe and Mecca! Actually situations can be much graver than what I wrote it's just too bad to even think about it.

  9. Since when was Europe united? Lived here 37 years and trust me there is no unity....

    @Mim what are you talking about not even all Muslim countries have Sharia law. Please if you dont know what your talking about its better to say nothing at all!

  10. Then all of Europe and Even now America would be under Islamic rule

  11. You mean invaders like the one's that came to North America in the 1400's and wiped out an entire nation ?

  12. I shudder to think what it would have been like!!!! Thank God they DID resist.

    Those Arabic countries and anywhere Islam gets a hold- are extremely barbaric and I sure wouldn't want to live there.

    This stuff is what we'd be stuck with: This is what they are teaching their kids:

    Wearing a hijab gets you Paradise, for the girls:

  13. Why waste time speculating on alternative histories unless you are going to write a piece of fiction?

  14. If it weren't for Christianity, there'd have been no Muslims from which Europe needed defending. Islam is a Christian heresy, just like Christianity is a Jewish heresy.

    Christian Europe was pretty fractious during the struggles with Islam. Several times a knockout blow to an invading Muslim army was thwarted by dissension and treachery among the Christians.

  15. We'd probably speak Arabic and practice Islam, and be a whole lot better off for it. We might also have avoided the Holy Inquisition with its horrors as Muslims never got caught up in the Christian lunacy of the Witch Craze.

    Too bad the Muslims didn't win.

  16. Wow.

    That is the first time I have ever actually heard a crusades apologist.

    I am in awe!

  17. Some would be praying 5 times a day and the others who said no thanks would be dead.,

  18. we would all be living under sharia  laws.

  19. If the crusades had not happened:

    There would be a few hundred thousand Jews who would not have been slaughtered as a warm-up.

    The European countries would have been richer and better defended having not wasted huge amounts of money and men on something that had a net zero gain.

    The Muslims today would not have such a great antipathy for this other religion that invaded their lands and slaughtered their people.

    The Turks were not invading Europe.  They were invading Anatolia.  AKA Turkey.

  20. That wasn't Christianity that did that.

    It was catholicism.

    Christians trust the Lord.  Catholics are not Christians, and catholics go on a bloody rampage as usual.  

  21. Well, we'd probably be answering to names like Shoa'ib instead of Simon and greeting everyone with "As sala'amu aleik'um", wouldn't we?



  22. Civilizations survive without Christianity and survive with many other religions. Who knows exactly what would happen if certain events did happen?

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