
What would have happened if King Harald III of Norway, succesfully invaded England?

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What would have happened if King Harald III of Norway, succesfully invaded England?




  1. Well, William the Conqueror wouldn't have invaded it, and the English language and culture wouldn't be what it is today. Thanks to William the Conqueror, about 60% of all English words have French or Latin origins. Also thanks to him, the Norman nobility became established in England and the feudal system of England was thus established.

  2. He would have successfully invaded England? Sorry, I'm not sure who he is so I'll just say this!

  3. He would either had confronted William the conqueror & lose. Or, he would’ve only add the northern part of the country to his Kingdom & remain in a long conflict with England, which would've been taking over by the Normans.

    King Harlad of England defeated Harald of Norway but then lost to William the conqueror. I believe William the conqueror would be able to defeat Harald of Norway, especially if they fought in an area close to London.

    If Harald of Norway had just taking over the Northern part of the country & solidify his position, he would’ve had a good chance to keep the lands he conquered. The Vikings ruled that part of the Island in a previous era. Harald of Norway was a great warrior, would’ve had more options if he decided to keep the Northern part.

  4. William the Conquerorer's army which had already landed would have engaged Harald III's army, while the Anglo-Saxon inhabitants would have looked on helplessley as two other men determined their fates, but knowing the Saxons they would have picked sides or raised another army to fight for their freedom

  5. I'd say its likely his army ,already weakened by battle, would have been defeated by William the Conquerer much in the same way Harold Godwinson was.

  6. Your question and this answer would have been in Norwegian.

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