
What would have happened if Obama had been white ?

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@glenford...: Are you sure ?




  1. then he wouldn't be fashionable and we would have some other cookie cutter butt puppet running for president

  2. He would be seen as just another white guy going for president way too early with absolutely no executive experience. Not a big draw and the dem party would not have supported him on a bid.

  3. Who knows? What would happen if McCain was Black?

  4. He'd win hands down.

    If Obama doesn't win, it's due to racism - he's clearly the more intelligent and capable of the candidates, and only the shortfall caused by Democrats who refuse to vote for a black man can be to blame.  

  5. He wouldn't have been able to use affirmative action to get into Harvard Law School.

  6. 90 million more votes.


    WAKE UP!!!!

  8. OKAY since he is both black and white

    How can we truly answer

    His mother was WHITE

    His father was BLACK

    What is wrong with everyone

    You mean if he had NO black in him

    well we would not be asking this question as he would win with a landslide..................

    No he would NOT have lost 1/4 votes because the blacks have always voted Dem...

  9. I really don't think he would've gotten this far.  Maybe he wouldn't even have been considered for the nomination.  I mean, a majority of Obama supporters I have met have said they are voting for him because he's black.  Imagine a white guy with only one term in the senate getting the democratic presidential nomination... it's almost unheard of.

    It's not racist anyway to say he's gotten  this far because he's black.

    There's nothing wrong with being any color.  It's just the truth.

  10. He may have not made the high school basketball team. What kind of question is that?

  11. If he was white, he would not be in the position he is in now.  The black masses got him in simply because he is black, at least half black.  Credit to the black masses because they sure never turn out for the likes of Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton who were actually black Americans with ties to the slavery history of the U.S.

  12. Some other putz would be running??

  13. He would lose a fourth of his voters

  14. He'd be a funny lookin white guy. Also he would do what he's already GOING to do, WIN!

  15. Hillary Clinton would probably have clinched the Democrats presidential nomination.

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