
What would help me be a better offenseive/defenseive linemen

by Guest61327  |  earlier

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im 15 on my jv football team im above average strength about 6'0 200 lbs. right now im playing center in our summer league but only untill our center gets back then i will return to guard or tackle. also on d we have a 3 man line i work at nose and regular tackle

(i could use more advice on offense im allready a stud on our d)




  1. I played OL/DL (Tackle) in high school.  My coach would have us do a lot of footwork drills (similar to some drills used in basketball).  If you aren't already, try doing more resistance training in your workouts to increase your speed and explosiveness and work to improve your flexibility.

  2. speed to keep that middle linebacker busy

  3. foot work and quickness...

    i've been playing varsity since my freshmen year trust me o-linemen have to be smart and quick..

    you're not going to get the perfect block everytime but have to have quick footwork to move around

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