
What would i 19 year old guy see in a 14 year old girl??? what the heck??????

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ok so heres the story. guy is 19. from chicago. he comes to a wedding in RI and meets 14 yr old girl. girl looks more like 16 or 17. he finds out shes 14 and says he doesnt care. he gets her #, she gets his. he asks her to show him around b4 he goes home. the next day girl txts guy. this is whats said:

girl-when r u leavin RI?

guy-im leaving wed night! what r u doing?

girl-im at the movies with my best friend

guy-cool! do u think we can see each other tonight!

later he calls and asks to come pik girl up, but girl says she cant cuz she has to do sumthin for her mom. next day:

girl asks guy [[txts]] if he has a myspace. his response was "no i used2! but not anymore!" girl says "oh u shud get1 again i hav 1" and guy never txts back.

guy is DEF NOT the player type wich i dont understand cuz well it just doesnt make sence.

i no the girl likes the guy but how bout they guy likin the girl?? what is up with that!? and y does he sound so enthusiastic wen he txts bak, then just stops?




  1. He wanted to get a quick one night stand while in RI without having to have the strings attached of a continuing relationship. Be happy that he never texted back.

  2. The only thing he wants from her is s*x. And that is illegal. What do her parents think about this.

  3. What does he see in girl?... umm p***y! Guys will be guys.

  4. a v****a

  5. idk but the guy will go to slammer over girl..

  6. he is just using he for the s*x u can tell and it seems to be tht ur the guy

  7. It's unfortunate but it sounds like he is just using her. The thing he should really be thinking about is the fact that he if over 18 and considered an adult, she is a minor. There is a law against this! He should be rethinking his actions (so should she) before he gets in some real trouble.

  8. He wants s*x.

  9. maybe he realized its illegal and could go to jail. im guessing the girl is you since u know the details.. if a 19 yr old is ok with being with a 14 yr old he either has problems, cant get a gf his own age or just wants s* guess is hes got problems. thats not normal for a grown man to like a girl thats in the 8th or 9th grade! gross

  10. he just wants s*x

  11. he wants u to f*ck him,

    and hes gonna go to jail!

  12. silly

    he just wants sexxx

    he doesnt want to have a long conversation.

    He doesn't want to chat or listen to your problems.

    He wants you to tell him when and where.

    is in when you'll have s*x and where


    I know way too many guys

    .....they are all the same

    trust me

  13. He is too old for her so there could be a number of things that are happening:

    *  He is just trying to get into her pants - so doesn't want to "chat" if this can't happen

    *  He has finally come to his senses about the girl being 14

    *  He doesn't want to lead her on

    Guys may not appear to be players, but they only really want one thing with that young a girl.

  14. He wants you to hang on his every word. Girls his age do not find him as interesting as younger girls do. If he has no problem with the girl being 14 then he is a pedophile.

    Be careful

  15. well the player type comes in many many different people. most the time there players even if they look like nice guys . 19 is WAY to old for a 14 yr old . most likely he thinks he can get some while on vacation and never have to see her again. and she should realize that hes an adult and shes a child .

  16. Hmmm, the guy shouldnt even be interested in her cuz she's only 14 and he's of legal age....  Of course the girl probably thinks hes cute, nice and etc...  She's young.  Who knows why the guy didnt text back - hopefully cuz he finally realized he's too old to even be thinking about doing anything with her....

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