
What would i do if i wanted to learn how to win a fight against somebody who is bigger than me?

by  |  earlier

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and i cant join karate, tae kwon do, or any other thing




  1. Only way(without joining karate, tkd, etc) would be to practice against a friend who's bigger than you, and better at fighting than you.

    That'd be dangerous, though, if your friend doesn't know what the heck he's doing.

  2. the tiger claw. A "rake" to someones face will have them in pain and distracted for a few seconds and will allow you to take them down. Another thing is the sidekick to the knee joint. Becareful with that one, it can cripple people for life, and should only be used if ABSOLUTLEY have to.

  3. join the wrestling team

  4. I'd suggest you train hard, size can be countered with:

    skill, speed, conditioning, experience, desire.

    A good martial art with a good instructor would definitely help.

    good luck!

  5. its easy, just fight hard, fight fast and size does not matter

    im a girl and obviously smaller than the men and yet I KICK ***!

  6. LEG KICKS! best d**n solution when fighting a big man, nothing brings them down faster (outside of cheap shots). go for the knees (side kicks or if you do a front kick to the knee your likely to snap their leg), Body shots especially right in the middle of their body where the chest and stomach meet (the diaphram) if you can land a shot right there especially while they're exhaling then there going down, in which case id just start throwing knees and punches to the head. Make sure you get a good fighting stance and protect your center line (face chest and groin) and keep a distance and keep moving, also learn how todo the Thai Shield if he tries to kick you the Thai shield is the most effective move for blocking kicks other than moving out of the way, you can find it on the web just do a search for it. if youve ever seen those vids where guys snapped their legs kicking someone who blocks it thats usually the Thai Shield.

  7. Kick em in the balls. That should do the trick.

  8. Go to Wikipedia and search a martial arts master named Chotoku Kyan,  He was always a smaller guy than his oppenent.  So he was patient, he waited for his oppenent to attack first and then found an opening and then he counterattacked.  This could be hard if u don't know how to do it.  Since you don' have a martial arts background i reccommend just waiting for him to come to you and then throw a hard punch at you oppenent's face

    Good luck

  9. fight dirty. always carry a shank.

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