
What would i need to detect police vehicles near me?

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What device should i be looking for to detect when a police officer is near even if his radar is off? and what kind of range would it have

Also, another question kind of on the same topic,

Will a radar detector, only go off if the police radar is already on you, if not what kind of range they have?




  1. A good radar detector will detect them from a far distance but only if they have their radar on. But if they don't you don't have too much to worry about because they can't give you a ticket because they have no proof.


  3. Your speedometer. Just drive twenty miles an hour over the speed limit. I guarantee you will soon detect a police vehicle near you.

    Better yet, always drive at the speed limit or less. Then you will never have to worry about the answer to your question!

  4. Your eyes.

    Unless you are doing something illegal. Then your eyes won't help, theit eyes have seen you first. You'll know they are near.

  5. look for the spot light on the outside of their car.

  6. You'll want a GOOD radar detector.  As in the $330 range and up.  Only those deliver satisfactory results and anything cheaper simply isn't worth it.  Its job is to detect radar signals.  If the radar is off he isn't checking your speed (not an excuse to keep speeding).  I have the Beltronics RX 65, which is comparable in features and price to the famous escort passport.  Superb range and accuracy.  Whether its already on you depends on where you live.  Where I live most of the time they just leave it on during the day so I always have a warning.  They only use the instant at nighttime really.  Just remember a detector is not gonna save you from tickets and you're guaranteed one if you ever get pulled over with them.  Can't just speed whenever you please and expect it to save your life every single time.  I'm in a small town and I've learned how the different police forces check for speed in my area as well as some of the hideout spots with my detector and it really doesn't change for the most part so I act accordingly.  I also don't speed constantly, only every so often if the open space is there, and I cut that amount down by more than half at nighttime cuz of less visibility.  And I ALWAYS use my eyes to check for po-po.

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