
What would i need to study if intrested in climate and changes in the planet throughtout time?

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What would i need to study if intrested in climate and changes in the planet throughtout time?




  1. You could do a climatology degree, or even an environmental science degree.  That's what I did and there was a section all about climate change over the earth's lifetime and how scientists use pollen grains to be able to tell what the climate was like thousands of years ago.

    Hope you find the right course for you!

  2. in Sst u should read or study Geology

  3. Well generally these changes are observable in the long run. So if you have to observe them you'll essentially have to record continuous data. The best way is to mark a few locations across the planet and use a tool like Yahoo! weather to note the values of parameters like temperature, humidity, etc and record them on an excel sheet.

    This will allow you to make graphs and analyze the data over a period of time. Remember, nothing changes on the planet in a flash. Even sudden events like earthquakes are a result of gradual buildups.

  4. climate changes ;)

    Maybe geography!

  5. There is a college course on Meteorology, which is the science that deals with the weather and climate.  You will need to be familiar with the atmospheric pressure, temperature at earth's surface and at the upper atmosphere, cloud formation, wind direction and strength, rainfall data, as well as occurences of storms, tornadoes, and other weather phenomena.  This is not an easy course as it requires a background of  higher mathematics and thermodynamics.

  6. That would be the area of paleoclimatology. Whether you can do a degree in just that I don't know. I would imagine you would have to start out on a generic environment degree and then choose modules suited to your specific interests, for example modules I would study at my university (Leeds) if I wished to pursue your interests would be such things as Dynamic Earth & Earth History, Atmosphere of Earth, Paleontology related modules etc etc.

    Look through the programme catalogues of various universities, pick a degree that sounds closest to what you want and then look through the module catalogue for that degree. Here's the one for the degree I'm on (I think it's quite close to what you want, plus the head of school, a lady called Jane Francis, is a leading paleoclimatologist).

  7. If you mean degree courses here are some suggestions:

  8. geology

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