
What would i need to train so that when i get hit it woud not hurt me ?

by Guest45250  |  earlier

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i was watching this documantry once and it showed monks breaking bricks and stuff and they got hit in the neck and everywhere but it didnt hurt so what training should i do to acomplish this.




  1. Wouldn't it be WAY more effective to train on how to NOT GET HIT?

    Just my opinion.

  2. Those guy's are getting hurt but they have trained for years and years to ignore the pain and to build up resilience to the damage.

  3. Vadis is pretty spot on.  It's not exactly training so things don't hurt, it will always hurt when you get hit.  It is more a  matter of training both your mind and body to get used to the sensation of pain.  You still feel the same amount of pain, it just affects you in a different way.

  4. The monks on the documentary can do this because they use the correct training and utilize the proper traditional Chinese medicinal treatments necessary to heal the body after this type of training.

    My arts teach this. I teach Okinawan Naha-te based kata called Sanchin that involves muscle tension and breath work. You cannot learn this on your own, much less practice it on your own.

    You have to study under an experienced teacher as this training could compromise your health if done incorrectly.

    My other arts, White Crane and Southern Mantis also do this training, however, it differs from the Okinawan Naha-Te based Sanchin. They don't use muscle tension, but relaxation and "recoiling and spiraling" power, or "fajing".

    If you tell me your location, I will help you find someone who truly understands and teaches this correctly - if this is what you want.

  5. That it hurts is not the point it's not minding that it hurts is the point.

    Surface pain will always occur it's internal pain that warns you of possible damage.Protection against that involves heavy core conditioning like pro fighters go thru.IRON SHIRT practice as in kung fu or SANCHIN kata as in some karate styles will also help protect against internal damage but they will take a few years to master.

  6. Oh it will hurt. It's just the monks have over years(decades) of training have gotten used to the pain and are able to keep acting in spite of it.

    If you wanna not feel pain immediately then I suggest downing a couple 40s of Malt Liquor.

    If you want to be smart train to avoid getting hit.

  7. iron jacket training, some kung fu styles have it. such as Choylayfut, southern praying mantis, and some shaolin kung fu. Still hurts when you get hit in the nose, eyes,  back of the head, groin.

  8. You would be after what is commonly known as Iron Body training. However, and please consider this very carefully, Iron Body training is usually not even begun until the instructor has been able to gauge your character and feels that you are ready for it. Although I'm sure some other styles train in it, to my knowledge, largely chinese martial arts are training a contemporary version of it, I.E. Shaolin Kung Fu and others specializing in traditional methodology.

    I advise however that you do not take up martial arts under the impression that you will automatically be able to break bricks and withstand incredible blows with little to no damage. This training takes a lot of time and effort, and is often very painful and difficult.

    On a side note, iron body training in a contemporary sense is simply building up callous and blunting the nerve endings of various parts of the body so that pain is acute, which is combined with the training of the musculoskeletal system to "harden" at the point of impact, thus, you don't feel very much and because of the ability to localize the contractions of the musculoskeletal system, you can do things like break bricks, at least that's my understanding of it.

  9. Mind over matter

    My father says that pain is just a sensation, and once you Really realize it is just a feeling, you can conqure most pain  but start off small.

    For example, in a training exercise, he was the only one who could still draw his weapon after being shocked with 50,000 volts!!!

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