
What would if someone at McDonald's orders a certain food, there's a mistake and they react like this?

by  |  earlier

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Say for example a customer who gets all pis@y over tiny things oders a 20-piece nugget meal. When he gets his food, he opens the two 10-piece boxes, counts his nuggets, sees there's 10 in one box, but only 9 in the other so he realizes he got shorted a nugget, he overreacts and screams "What the h**l is wrong with you grill people!? Can't you count!? This is what you can do with your crappy food, it's as good as toilet paper, speaking of which!.." and he pulls his pants down, and throws those 19 nuggets up his bum and then takes that large fry and wipes his bum with it.

What would you think of this and what would happen?




  1. hey im ss but that's pretty rude if it was really dramatic and everything then ide go back and appoligize that's the best u can do unless u c your name on the FBI's 10 most wanted then leave the us     gl    by!!!!

  2. I would think he is mentally ill too .  Or he could of just had one of those days where you can go crazy over one little thing . I know i have Had those Days . But i am not mentally ill and i would not do it at a McDonald's .LOL

  3. id laugh.

  4. hhahaha i would have loved to see it!

  5. I would think he's a loose cannon..It's not that serious..1 nugget geez.....

  6. i think that guy is weird and has mental problems. U just go there and say gimme a nugget u gave me 19 nuggets. as i sayed before the guy has problems.

  7. He would be arrested, and charged with public indecency.  If there were children in the restaurant, he could possibly be listed as a s*x offender.  He would be banned from every McDonalds in the land, his picture would be posted, and if he ever entered again he would be arrested and charged with trespassing.  

    And if he did it in front of me, I would drop him where he stood.  I would spill a drink on the floor, and when the cops arrived it would be written up that he grabbed my drink, spilled it, then slipped and hit his face, 3 or 4 times.

    Who thinks of this gross stuff?

  8. Truthfully, I'd be shocked and appauled at first, but then I'd crack up and end up rolling on the floor laughing hysterically.

  9. He’s probably mentally ill. If not, he should be charged with sexual assault.

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