
What would injustice be?

by Guest33685  |  earlier

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What would be a good example of injustice in our world today.

Ex- puppy mills, cloning




  1. How about government response to hurricane Katrina?  Even now there are areas that still have been untouched since the hurricane. A week to respond with any sort of disaster relief for something that was known to coming for 5+ days plus.

    Health care which is not available universally.  

    What about insurance companies that deny coverages at their own whim.  

    What about Dr's that double bill insurance companies?

    What about the innocent man that is thrown in jail, or the guilty man that is let free.

    What about the leniency  that is given to celebrities (or people with money) within the justice system, while the book is thrown hard on the "regular" people.

    What about the way that jobs are being outsourced to other low wage countries just in the name to produce better profits.

    What about the way the government has spent money on a war that they lied to start, and have spend billions while people in their own country are starving, jobless, loosing their homes, and without health care.

    Just a few I can think of off the top of my head.



  2. Abuse towards animals is a major one in our society...

  3. Home owners have no relief from mortgages yet banks get bailed out from bad loans they made .

  4. The lack of God in Society.

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