
What would it be like for an American woman to travel alone to Jordan to visit a friend?

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I have a very dear friend that I met online about 3 years ago. I want to go visit him and he is willing to pay my pay but I am wondering what it would be like for a single white woman to travel oversees. Is it safe to travel to that part of the world right now( or this year sometime)?




  1. i just came back from Jordan a month ago and did not have a single problem.  Like you, I went to meet my online "friend".  Just a couple of things to keep in mind.  Make sure someone knows where you are and how to get in touch with you.  I was told my cell would work there and surprise, it didn't.  You can get a cheap pay and talk one and call home and give them your number. I also checked in with my embassy when I got there so they knew I was in the country just incase there was a reason that I had to get out of there fast ( ie earthquake etc).

    Make sure both of you know what this trip as all about.  If you are going as just a friend, make sure he knows that 100%.  Often N american women are viewed as loose so you want to make sure that everyone involved knows what is expected.

    Where are you going to stay during your visit?  It is not acceptable for unmarried men and women to live together, so if you are staying with him, you may want to address this.  Just a friend thing or more, it maybe a good idea to wear a ring on your wedding finger so everyone will believe you are married, just to make things a little easier.  Believe me, people will notice.

    Dress conseratively.  you are in a muslim country.  you will not be expected to cover your head or anything, but if you do not want to draw any attenting, don't walk around in short shorts, belly shirt and anything "hanging out".

    If you do not have a visa for Jordan before you leave make sure you have some Jordain money on you for when you land.  you can get your vias at the airport and it will cost you about 10 jordanian dollars.

    Do not worry about being the 1 white person walking around.  There is a big tourist industry in Jordan and you will be surprised at the number on white people on your flight and that you will meet on the street.

    Good luck, be careful, and have fun!  Jordan is a beautiful country and the people are very very nice.  Just make sure you know what is going to be "expected" of you from your friend.  I went in with my eyes wide open and I am happy to say that we got married after being together a week.  If you have any specific questions or concern, please feel free to send me an email.  I will try to answer and help you anyway I can.

    oh yeah, unless you are use to HOT weather, you may want wait to go till the fall.  It is d**n hot there right now!

  2. I agree with "blackcatmingus" only a few things to add:

    You do not need Jordanian money for the visa as there is an official exchange desk right before the visas and passport control at Amman airport. It will be 15 USD to get 10 JOD for the visa.

    If you are going to Aqaba, you can ask for ASEZ visa, it is free of charge with the condition that you have to visit the ASEZA office in Aqaba within 2 days to finish the procedure.

    (ASEZA= Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority)

    Travelling in Jordan is safe.

    As for your friend, make sure you know what he is expecting from you and if you agree, go for it.

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