
What would it be like to be home schooled?

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What would it be like to be home schooled?




  1. i am home schooled and its OK but sometimes i wanna go out (im 14 years old ) so im thinking about going out 4 high school. I've been home schooled all my life some im kind of scared 2 go out and that's the only thing that's holding me back. but any ways my mom is my teacher so sometimes that's annoying because shes always down  my back saying you should be studying. but 4 the most part i like being home schooled it just get a lonely. i start school at 9:00 and end at 1:00 and some days it varies depending on what i have to do that day i hope this help if not then im sorry

  2. eh. personally I'm homeschooled and i hate it. this is my first year and i go to online school, all i do is sit at home all day. I get really behind at times and its hard to get caught up. I can't wait to go back to my private school next year. My parents work all day so its just me and my bro all day till like 5:30. Its kind of depressing. I go days without even leaving my house. =(

  3. I've been home schooled my entire life and I love it.

    I'm now in 11th grade.

  4. My best friend was home schooled until 7th grade. She didn't meet a lot of people but she did like being able to wake up later.

    Another friend of mine finished school online. She didn't attend school, she made arrangements as the lady above said her sister did, and she would find herself cramming to get homework turned in by a certain time that night...but other times she'd find herself done well before the due date.

    It depends on the person pretty much. If you can push yourself to get things done then it could work..if you don't have self discipline, then chances are it won't work...

  5. I'm home schooled, and it's really nice, you can have all day off, you can work whenever you want, you can finish early and hang out with friends after, IT'S AWESOME!!!

  6. It depends on what else you do in your life.  If I didn't have activities outside of my academics during the week, I could sleep in and pretty much do my school when I wanted to (which frankly, i believe would be pretty boring!) I however am a VERY busy person. I'm in two youth orchestras, take two private music lessons a week, and teach about 18 hours a week at a local dance studio.

    This is what my life consists of. I usually get up around 6-6:30 depending what my schdule is like in the day, and start on school right away. A little later, I take a break and get cleaned up for the day and go back to work. (so I only do the first couple of subjects in my pj's!) Most of my work I do by myself so I do have to have a lot of motivation... but I get to go at my own pace which is really nice. Of course if I go too slow in a subject, I'd have to do it over the summer until I finish the book, but I really try to stick to a plan, like 1 chapter every week, so that doesn't happen. I usually leave the house around 2-3 so I can go to work or to a music lesson. I try to have everything done by then, but if I don't, I'll finish it when I get back from dance at about 10. There ya go! The life of a busy homeschooler! (oh, and by the way, I'm in 11th grade)

  7. Ask 10 homeschoolers and get 10 different answers.  We each live our own lives and no one is alike.  

    For us, we unschool, so the kids have no assignments from anyone other than themselves.  I ask for help with things, they ask for help.  We all contribute to running the household and live as harmoniously as possible.  

    My kids are pretty much grown up now and they are wonderful people with whom I truly enjoy spending time.  

    Hope that helps :D

  8. My sister had a rough time in high school so she dropped out. A few months later, she wanted to continue her education so she tried homeschooling, the kind that you buy textbooks & you do it online. Not so much your parents teaching you. She had an even HARDER time with that since there was no one to push her to finish everything at a certain time so it was extremely easy to procrastinate. But that's just one point of view! I'm sure many students work out just fine after they're home schooled.

  9. That really depends on your parents and who is doing the directing for your education.  If you are in charge of every aspect, then you decide what it is like.  Each curriculum ( or none at all since unschooling is popular) will create a different type of schedule or emphasis on different types of "media".  

    I will tell you about our homeschool day.  We wake up when we wake up.  My children are up by 8 on their own.  I fix them breakfast.  They brush their teeth, put on day clothes and play with legos till 10 am.  10am - 3 pm is table work.  We eat while we work (if they are even hungry)  I put in three 20 minute breaks.  somedays we don't do any of this because we did all five lessons for the week in each subject by wednesday.  Those days we read outloud or silently for a minimum of 3 hours.  We go for walks together almost every day and find something interested to take home.  We draw a picture of it and name the picture.  The kids are allowed to watch 30 minutes of video or play online each day.  But there are some days that are "no electronic media" days.  about one a week.  

    So you see.. our education is a "healthy" (i'm sure someone will not agree) mixture of all types of learning.  Some days are very strucured ( usually Mon and Tues).  Other days are all "play and fun" ( while still being strong educationally).  about twice a month I have a free for all day and that means that they can do anything they want.  That means if they want to watch videos or play games or be online all day, they can.  

    Also, I homeschool all year long ( as opposd to my current states required 180 days).... sometimes we have school on sat because we had doc appts that week or had to take daddy to work and do grocery shopping or to the symphony far away etc.  Sometimes we are SO far ahead that I say "ok, no school till NEXT monday" (9 calendar days).  these times the only thing i enforce is the 30 min video rule and the minimum reading time.  

    Homeschooling can be WHATEVER you want it to be with oyur parents consent.  It takes time to build confidence in what you are doing.  It takes time to see that your style works and to build momentum.


  10. This is info from my son who attends Treca Digital Academy.......Home schooling is a little diffrent because you study on your on level. Kids are really only required to be in school for a few hours a day and three or four days a week. It just seems like you really won't be on track with public schooling when you study at a slower level. With questions on school lessons, you usually have to email your teacher and wait on a response. Also for some reason if there are a large amount of students logged in then you will have problems getting on the site.

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