
What would it cost to re-seed a 34,000 square foot lawn (new seed, topsoil, fertlzr, manure and labor)?

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What would it cost to re-seed a 34,000 square foot lawn (new seed, topsoil, fertlzr, manure and labor)?




  1. It really depends on the area you are in. I usually charge about $90.00 per 1000 sq feet, here in the Midwest. Your best bet is to shop around and get a good idea of who is charging what. Just remember that if you have a price that is really lower then the others, it is usually not the company to go with, as most reputable companies try to stay competitive with each other while still making a profit.  The fly by nighters do shoddy work and charge lower prices, because they use lower quality material and don't do as good of a job.

    If you are doing the work yourself, here are some things that will help you with your answer.

    Seed bare ground: 5-6 lbs per 1000 square feet

    Over seeding: 3-4 lbs per 1000 SF

    Also NEVER USE quick grow seed!!! It has a high percentage of annual rye in it which dies after only one season. Seed packages should have a list of what types of seed they have in it broken down by the percentages of each.

    For a normal cool season lawn you will want something along the lines of 33% each of Perennial rye, Blue Grasses and Fine or Red Fescues. if you live in a warm season area, you will have to check at your local COOP Ext office to see what would be best for you.

    Don't use manure way to acidic for a new lawn.

    Starter fertilizer  something along the lines of an 18-24-12 mixture. A 50 lb bag will cover about 12,000 square feet.

    If you need to bring in new topsoil, you will want to have at least a 4 inch base. That would be a lot of soil for that area.

    Also you may not want to do the work now during the summer. i would wait until late summer or early fall when cooler temps and rain is more likely.

    Hope this helps

  2. 6000

  3. Depends on the quality and type of seed used among other things, contact a local garden/landscape store or person and ask for some quotes just for supplies, even if you are wanting to do this yourself.

  4. Take 3 estimates, depends on the present condition.

    Make sure each one is going to do the exactly the the same things.

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