
What would it say if after all the money, biased press and rockstar events, Obama still does not win?

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What would it say if after all the money, biased press and rockstar events, Obama still does not win?




  1. America isn't ready for an empty suit

  2. That's a good possibility given the fact that the companies that make the voting machines are Republican owned so that it's easy for them to rig the machines. That's how they won in 2004.

  3. If McCain wins we will probably face invasion .

  4. That Americans really are as dumb as they sometimes seem to be.

  5. that the American electorate have exercised good sense

    it would also say that it is important to vote for someone who stands for something and has real ideas and opinions - rather than an ideal that makes you look liberal and non-racist

    the issue of race is what got him where he is - i hope it gets him no further

    a candidate should be elected on merit not ethnicity

  6. Oh fudge!!!!

  7. The country is not ready for communism just yet.

  8. No worries that's not going to happen.

    Obama 08

  9. It would mean that the people realized it is stupid to steal from the people who provide their jobs. You steal from them and they go overseas.  

  10. Last I checked he does not sing or play an instrument, so rockstar is the equivalent of calling McCain a folk singer.

    Enough name calling (thought that was only found on the elementary school playground), how about some real issues, like jobs, or energy?

    If all you have is name calling, your on pretty thin ground.

  11. That Americans loves war and high gas prices more than they lead on.  

  12. That they never have, and never will represent the majority of Americans!!

  13. that people fear change more than proven failure...

  14. Hurray!

  15. He would not surprise anyone with his extremely liberal campaign and bombastic speeches that arouse emotion but have absolutely no foundation.

  16. Obama would be philosophical about it and say"The people have spoken, the b******s.



    ooO_(_ )_Ooo________________________________



    Democrats offer welfare

    Republicans offer warfare

    Democrats offer higher taxes

    Republicans offer deficit spending

    Libertarians offer none of the above



    ooO_(_ )_Ooo________________________________



  17. That an empty suit is an empty suit no matter how much it costs.

  18. would mean Exxon spent alot of money to smear to the guy mabe bought off some judges like 2000 but he will happen so get ready for a real government

  19. There's still hope for America's common sense.

  20. It says that Americans do not support socialist/communist policies.

    The media and many Obama supporters will say that America is racist and not ready for a black president.

    I initially liked Obama - but after reviewing his policies, lack of experience and his close associates, I quickly "changed" my mind.  Take his teleprompter and speech writer away and he is lost.  Last I checked, I do not believe that the president of the United States can take his speech writer and teleprompter with him/her to meetings with leaders of the world.

  21. It will prove votes are not for sale.

  22. It would prove that people  recognize bias in the press, so it does not have much effect on outcomes in the long run and we really don't care that Obama makes Chris Matthews quiver.

  23. The biased press is for McSame.  I'm sure you watch the Faux "News"  tabloid network.

  24. That more than half of the voters in the US still actually pay attention to reality.

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