
What would it take for religion as a whole to fade?

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Notice I did not say disappear; just fade to a more tolerable (read: less prevelent) level.




  1. I'm Athiest person: you are obviously a GENIUS! what highly intelligent person wouldn't have their picture as a guy with his finger up his nose. wow. intelligence right there.

    anyway to answer your question, when SOME (note i say some) athiests accept the fact that people have faith, no matter how intelligent they are they will stick to it. this is the way people are, they are persistant and the more others push on them that religion isnt real all they are doing is causing them to argue and hold on to their faith.

    so simply,

    once people stop going on about others religions, the more likely those who believe will doubt, surprisingly enough.

  2. knowledge and wisdom which i think is happening. People are seeing the so called "religious" folk are really the evil priests in Robin Hood who claim they're of gods work and bla bla bla.

    I never understood how someone could be atheist or agnostic but I'm starting to see it b/c people aren't acting religious except those few hours on Sunday. how sad.....

    i'm praying

    oh and maybe another incident/crisis. that's when peple get religious again.

  3. Nothing will prevail against God and his church

  4. genocide?

    no thats bad...

    uhh dont know  

  5. For everyone to grow a brain like me.

    Unfortunately, that only happens once you declare yourself an atheist.  It's neat how that works.  atheism=brain grows

    I'm Atheist!

  6. Humanity must get over their fear of death.

  7. A comparative religious class in high school would go a long way towards getting things started. Quit letting churches buy more land then not pay any property tax on it. Not letting the subject of religion become so taboo again.  

  8. umm

    i'd say a couple hundred years with current society

    and they'll be more tolerant

  9. Exposure to light.  Works on carpets too.

  10. atheists, be of good cheer. with the dumbing down of society that is taking place, religion is fading. immorality is everywhere. unwanted pregnancy, abortion, sexual perversion, sexually transmitted disease, drug abuse, teen suicide are all on the rise. the society youve always wanted is finally here!

  11. i think religion is a personal thing.

    so you dont have to go to a huge church and start hating everyone who doesnt worship the same as you!!

    (hint hint christians)

  12. More proven truth and that is coming.

  13. It IS fading. Education and people not being as gullible is making religion slowly disappear.

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