
What would it take for the Chicago cubs to move their team of Chicago, and blow up their stadium?

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Can anyone make it a way for the Cubs to threaten moving their team. Just move their team. I would rather Chicago be a one baseball city, and the team is the Chicago White Sox. We need Cellular Field to grow in attendance. People are going to have to care about the White Sox. What do we have to do.




  1. Well, Aaron S, if the yuppies all moved en mass to Milwaukee, where they make the beer, then Chicago would lose the Cubs. As it is, Chicago is already a one baseball team town, with the Cubs an AAAA team at best (one hundred years of frollictude = no qualifications for "Major league" status).

  2. I agree that Chicago should be a one team city. And, if it weren't for the meddling of former Illinois Governor JIm Thompson, and the caving in of the Illinois legislature, it very well could be.

    Your beloved White Sox could just as easily be playing right now in the beautiful Tropicana Dome as the Tampa bay White Sox.

    As for what it would take for the Cubs to move out of Chicago - it would take the purchase of the team by someone with absolutely no business sense. Who would move a team that sells over 33 million a year, has a stadium that draws fans from all over the country, and has a national fan base?

    There are a lot of reasons the White Sox are the second team here in Chicago. Possibly the biggest is when the geniuses that currently own the team decided back around 1982 to start a 'Pay-TV" service to broadcast their games. At about the same time, the Cubs were on WGN as it became a superstation. The Sox simply have not done as good a job as selling the team as the Cubs have. And it seems like all they really care about recently is worrying about the Cubs - look at the comments Williams and Guillen had to say about the Cubs fans and Wrigley Field. Perhaps if they were more concerned about their team, fans would not see them as such jerks.

    I'm a Cubs fan who personally couldn't care less about the Sox. But, Chicago is big enough for 2 teams. Just relax and enjoy the season your White Sox are having, and spend more time worrying about the Twins and the Tigers, and less about a team that is not your rival. Maybe if more Sox fans would actually go to games rather then spending their time being critical of the Cubs, you would actually sell a few more games out.

    Edit - keep those thumbs down coming White Sox fans. Just more proof that you seem more concerned about the Cubs then you do your own team. And proof that while you can be critical of other people's thoughts, you seem to lack the ability to actually formulate an answer yourself.

  3. are you kidding. the people of Chicago would throw the White Sox out of town in a heart beat. they almost did in the 80's.

  4. Your Crazy if you think the White Sox are Chicago's team if any team should leave Chicago it should be the White Sox

  5. That's not going to happen. There isn't anything anyone can do. The only way that MIGHT happen is if they go another centuary without winning. I doubt that could happen every team gets lucky even if they don't have talent.

    I love the White Sox and like I've said before attendance isn't a big thing. The Cubs have great attendance what has that got them? 100 years?

    Just because you fill the stadium up every night you don't win.

    Chicago is a big city and I'm all for having both teams. I would love for the White Sox to be THE team in Chicago, but they are not and to me it's not a big deal compared to the problems in the North Side of town.


    Fozzy I don't think only White Sox fans gave you thumbs down. I havn't seen 14 White Sox fan here on Y!A

  6. Easier said than done White Stockings fans

  7. Chicago is a major market that deserves two MLB teams (well ok one real MLB team and one wanna be MLB team:-) ) just as much as New York or LA. It has the fan base to support two teams regardless of whether they win or lose. I just don't see any City or State politician be willing to let either team move unless there was really no other alternative (ie:going bankrupt vs. keeping a team).

    I do think that the Cubs are going to have to decide what to do about Wrigley Field some time soon. I know the purists want them to play there for ever, but realistically the place needs a major redo. Which is going to cost alot of money.

    Given it's current location, there's not much that can be done to Wrigley (especially not like what they're doing in NY to Yankees Stadium). There is no way to build a new Wrigley across the street from the old one like they did with Celluar Field and Old Comiskey.

    So, if new owners of the Cubs feel that repairing Wrigley is going to be too expensive then their only option will be to relocate. They won't leave the Chicagoland area but they might move to the suburbs where they can get all the parking and sky boxes and other stuff that they might want.

    Cubs fans might not want to believe it, but I think there is a greater chance of the Cubs relocating than the Sox simply because of time is running out on Wrigley Field. It think that's going to be a big issue for whomever buys the team. How long will Wrigley Field continue to hold up?

  8. Another White Sox fan that is dreaming of what it would be like for their team to be liked and even noticed in this city.  You've got to be retarded to think that the Cubs would be moved out of this city before the White Sox.  As it is already, most people don't even know there are 2 baseball teams in Chicago, that I do agree with you about.  Problem is for you Sox fans, it's the Cubs that is Chicago's baseball team, always has been, always will be.  This is a Cubs town, get over it.  There is no way this city gets rid of the team that actually produces attendance.  Sorry but I see the White Sox being the team the city says bye bye to long before they said bye to the Cubs.  We were here first anyways.

    I agree Chicago should be a one team city, but that team should be the Cubs.

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