
What would it take for you to accept a new prophet in the modern day?

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One who would change the face of spirituality the way Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mohamed did?




  1. He would simply need to have a prophesy that he or she prophesied come true.

  2. A miracle. Nothing less would suffice.

  3. THAT WONT HAPPEN....NOW THAT JESUS walked we dont need them....Ive got the real deal already!!

  4. A true miracle performed right infront of me. like creating things out of thin air etc.

    Wait! i have seen miracles like that!

    Penn and Teller i worship thee!

  5. everything and a flying pig...

    no more after ellen g. white....

  6. If it felt right.  If it resonated with my inner wisdom and deep inner knowing.  

  7. Jade Curtiss From the Tales of The Abyss

  8. Nothing it well never happen.

  9. One who can actually demonstrate proof for his claims. Otherwise, you could go to any schizophrenic street corner bum who claims he has seen otherworldly things, and build an entire religion upon it. The prophets of old, if they would be reborn, would just be the crazy people of today.

  10. No one will come to rescue us. we ourselves have to change. If a new prophet will come, this world will be further divided. If we wish to see world a peace full place, then policies of countries like USA, ISRAEL, IRAN, INDIA should be changed.

  11. it would have to be a prophecy that was written in scripture, and its not there, as far as we know now.  so i wouldnt believe it.

  12. Nothing. God would have to be a liar in order for that to occur and, well, He's not.

  13. Someone who makes a d**n accurate and specific prophecy. For instance, if he told me that I'll be served bacon and eggs with a speck of pepper smack-dab in the middle of my plate and it happens tomorrow morning, I'd follow him until the day I died.

  14. He must pulleth free candy out of his butt.

  15. Surely God will do nothing unless He reveals it to His servants the Prophets (Amos)

    They would need authority from God. They would need to preach the gospel as it was taught from the beginning and by Christ. They would receive information directly from God.

    Christ said by their fruits ye shall know them.

    We DO have a prophet on the earth today! His name is Thomas S Monson. You can find out more about him at

  16. no

  17. Faith and a personal testimony through prayer and the confirmation of the Holy Ghost.

  18. By the time She was recognized we would all be dead and gone. An Avatar (in the real sense of the word) is frequently not recognized in their own generation.

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