
What would it take for you to be happy, happy, happy?

by  |  earlier

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And if you are already happy, happy, happy, what makes you so?




  1. What makes me happy is having as little obligation as possible. I don't want anything I have to work like a slave for.

  2. my TC makes me very happy.....and happy happy happy...well he could do that too!!

  3. having a fun day would make me happy.

    Having a fun day where someone told me where i was a great girl would make me happy happy.

    Having a fun day where the guy i liked or someone equally awesome told me i was a great girl (or beautiful) would make me appy happy happy.


  4. 24/7 love and affection, s*x!

    ssıʞ ♥ kiss

  5. To get back with my old friends again, because we are all split up. I know it's over but I can't help but think of this when I'm here with just my mother all the time...

    Also, I'd like a boyfriend finally. Lastly, I want to find someone who likes the same music that I do so we can enjoy it together! :)

  6. a bed and someone telling me i never had to any homework again

  7. Joy joy joy!

  8. This is a strange question but I think what makes a person happy is to pretty much give them what they want. Like today, my mom usually freaks out when I want to buy expensive things but today I showed a pair of jeans to her which were a bit higher and were not on sale but she said "ok, you can" and so because I got to have a decent quality piece of clothing... I am happy. :D

  9. me eatin somethin really good like sweet potata pie

  10. a return to the days before aids and crack cocaine, when the U.S. was a real power, when jobs were plentiful because there was no such thing as outsourcing, when a kid could walk to the corner grocery store by themselves. Corner grocery stores....

  11. What makes me happy is knowing life is about the journey--not so much the destination. Just to be alive in this moment typing this answer--regardless of my life circumstances--is enough for me to be happy.  

  12. Getting whatever I want

  13. enlightenment

  14. If I could stop going to school. I only have 2 years left, but I hate school with a burning passion.

  15. a genie in a bottle whos willing to grant me 1000 wishes or who'll let me wish for more wishes

  16. <------yummy yummy yummy!



  17. Medication

  18. boys, boys, boys

  19. my wife laying in bed beside me at night in what makes me happy all the time my 2 sons and daughter and my 2 granddaughters make me happy every day woohoo lmao  :)ava06

  20. To have true joy with my life exactly the way it is now.  To accept my life with peace and grace my children, my husband, my family, my self etc.  Not to always be looking for more or different things.  It is our human nature to do so.  I guess in short to have faith and joy.

  21. Family, Friends, Money,WOMEN, and life. Money is nothing if you have no one special to spend it on!

  22. i don't have the best life. nor do i have the worst life. a lot of people are worst off then me. i might not be "happy, happy, happy" but i have moments of happiness. those moments mean everything. like when rob says i love you and looks into my eyes...when we're laying in bed together...when my nephew smiles...when my dogs jump up and down when i come home...i live for those moments.

  23. You could make me  happy, happy, happy.  : ) :) : )

  24. A person w/ a good personallity and knows how to make me laugh.

    Mostly my best friends but i have just met random

    ppl that can make my happy happy happy! lol. =]

  25. Drugs mainly.

  26. I would be happy if

    -I could hang out with my best friend, but for that to happen her dad would have to clear his mind of racist thoughts.


    -I had money to give to my parents, so they wouldn't be in debt and have to work when they should be retiring.

  27. i am already happy

    what makes me happy? Friends and family and chris brown =)

  28. For me to be truly happy, the world would have to be in a much better state than it is currently in.  I would want all people to have an education - not just formal education based on propaganda but a real education involving thinking about controversial issues.  I would want all superfluous wars to end - unless we are fighting over basic needs (food, shelter, water) we don't need to kill one enough - because as educated people we could actually handle issues diplomatically.  I would want things that do not have the potential to harm others (like many drugs, abortion, suicide, etc) to be legalized and stay legal so that this well-educated population (see 1) would be able to make their own choices about their own bodies.  I would want ecological concerns to be a major policy-maker.  Since none of these things are going to happen any time soon, I'm not going to be happy, happy, happy.  

  29. Feeling like someone is taking care of me & not having any doubts about it. I'm so independent & distrustful of people that it's probably impossible to make myself so vulnerable, although it might make me very happy.

  30. You make me happy, happy, happy! :D

    I just want to be with you everyday, all day, forget world, just you and me. :)

  31. drugs.. lots and lots of drugs.. and money

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