
What would it take to become a dog expert?

by  |  earlier

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I was wondering because i love all animals but i love and know the most about dogs and i want to become a expert. But is there anything special you need to do besides know everything about them?

thank you




  1. Study, study, study. All my free time is spent researching dogs. Dog breeds, dog training, dog health, dog showing, dog breeding, anything with dogs. I do it because I love dogs sooooo much.

  2. Study, ask questions, read books, get some experience with training, showing, rescue etc.. talk to people who are invovled with dogs.

    Understand that no one will be a 100% expert on EVERY aspect of dogs or dog care.

    You may be an expert on a particular breed..  or be an expert on training...  or health care..  breeding/whelping/genetics..  rescue...  showing, etc.  

    Even your average vet is not a complete expert on health care.. as there are specialized vets who can give more detailed info on certain aspects.. for example a Canine Opthamalogist would know more about eye diseases than your average vet would.

  3. experience

    listening and not talking




    asking questions

    common sense


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