
What would it take to change a skeptic's mind?

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I don't want generic statements like "evidence" or "data". What specifically would actually change your mind about AGW?




  1. Good quantitative data showing the correlation between man made CO2 levels and global temperature changes, supported by quantitative explanations of the correlation (because correlation alone does not prove causation).  Note, graphs are not quantitative.  I want to see real statistics not pretty pictures.

  2. Real skeptics (those who do not go into an investigation closed to the possibility that a phenomenon might be real or that a claim might be true) have already changed their minds.  It's only those driven by their political ideology that are still fighting against mountain of evidence.

  3. Guarantee that Palmyra Atoll, 2m max elevation founded in 1798, is now under rising sea level based on Glacial Melting information provided in NBCs Global Warming: What You Need To Know, and other Pseudo-Documentaries(which should be 9ft of sea level rise before thermal expansion).

  4. Ahh yes, a question most religions have.  Answer:  A leap of faith.

    I could answer by quoting you:

    "Not until the frigging sea level reaches their front door will they recognize there's something going on."

    Very biblical sounding if you ask me.  Have you started to build your Ark yet?  Seriously, doom and gloom global flooding statements sound too much like political mind control.

  5. What's AGW?  I searched it on Yahoo and got a handful of companies...

    I am assuming you mean global warming somehow with that.  Well, I think it was created by the liberal media to push their tree hugging beliefs on everyone.

    To change my mind, I would need to be effected by it or "see it in action."  All I see is that this is one of the coolest and longest winters I have seen in a long time....

  6. If the earth doesn't cool within 3 years, I'm changing my mind.

  7. how about actually debating your "theory"??

    Every time any skeptic (you call skeptic I call a person who thinks for him/her self) you claim their evidence is fake ...their scientists are paid by oil companies, their statistics are off, etc etc ....

    Ex - yesterday i posted something one response was, well "they lied" .. good argument. You really proved your point!

    Why won't you debate the points???

  8. Tell us what the climate will be in 2 weeks, 1 month, 6 months, 1 year and 5 years, and show us how you came to your conclusions.

    That's all.  We're just looking for objective science.  That's not asking for much.

  9. If at some point one of the predictions actually matched the outcome would be a good start.  We've been waiting for those super hurricanes for 3 years now, since the AGW pimps have been telling us that we're all gonna die from the sheer number and ferocity of those Global Warming fed hurricanes.

  10. Right... because nobody has died from enormous, recent natural disasters. Try telling that to Louisiana or East Asia.

    I agree that global warming is going to take a long time to have an affect on many Americans, but just because it does not kill us all within the next 10 years does not mean it is not a real, imminent threat.

  11. I'm not a skeptic, but I want to submit my guess.  Flaming Boxer shorts!  Not dinkey little flames like from a Bic lighter--- giant Godzilla flames that reach to the skies and scorch the bottom of the International Space Station!  That might do it!

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