
What would it take to convince you that aliens have visited us?

by Guest67040  |  earlier

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Short of a UFO landing on the infield of Yankee Stadium during the all star game.




  1. An alien body that is open to the public and has autopsies.

  2. Fenway Park might be sufficient.  Also, they can pick the pre-game warm up if they don't want to interrupt an actual game.

    And this is not a joke (even though I agree it sounds like one)

    With all the UFOs that have supposedly visited us over and over and over again, you'd thing that there would be somewhere a shred of real evidence.

    With more and more people going as far as fabricating "proofs", any evidence would now have to be very blatant to be credible.

    With millions of amateur astronomers watching the sky (most of them do NOT work for the US government or for any other government) and not seeing any confirmed visitors, this is beginning to look suspicious.

    UFO are common enough:  if it is unidentified, if it flies and if it is an object, then it is an Unidentified Flying Object.  For some people, many military helicopters, when flying at night, are difficult to identity.

    There are quite a few man-made WFO out there (Weird Flying Objects).


    And I'm someone who wants them to be real.  Imagine having to convince someone who does not want Aliens to exist...

  3. A conclusive alien radio signal or seeing an alien spacecraft myself.

  4. Actual sighting- in other words, I'd have to see it for myself.

    I really hope your view on aliens visiting us isn't based off the UFO landing at the Yankee Stadium. That would be complete bogus.

  5. An explanation on how they came here would suffice.

    Did you know that, in order to reach anything near the speed of light without being crunched to death you would need to accelerate for about 40 years?

    Did you know that, in order to reach that speed, you would need more energy than what is used on earth from its 6.6 billion inhabitants?

    Did you know that even at a tenth of the speed of light, a single atom of hydrogen will go through any steel construction and your body?

    Did you know that the chances to meet a planet where life as we know it can exist and is still existing is about one in a billion?

  6. i would think like at a concert and music just stops and aliens walk outta the space craft and are like "What don't you guys think we listen to (artist name here) too" and just have the concert go on...

    that would be sweet

  7. An actual visit.

    (...and it wouldn't have to be in Yankee Stadium OR during an all-star game.)

    Edit: No, the sightings, stories, and credulous news reports won't do.  After you've read a few books like Philip Klass' you'll see how it is all nonsense, as he has investigated and debunked most of the famous cases.  Before UFOs, millions of people claimed to see ghosts, demons, angels, monsters, and preternatural creatures.  Well, they still do, but UFOs are so much more "modern."

  8. An alien or an alien artifact, independently examined and verified.

  9. Physical evidence would be nice.  A piece of technology well beyond ours, books written in alien language, an actual alien being, live or otherwise.

  10. A credible report, with photos, by someone other than than a grocery store tabloid.

    A story on the evening news would do the job nicely.

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