
What would it take to get a Pro. Vo0lleyball league in the U.S.?

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What would it take to get a Pro. Vo0lleyball league in the U.S.?




  1. More fans and public interest.

    Volleyball should be made easy to play everywhere lilke basketball.  It's still hard to find places to play.

    Something must be done about title IX limiting opportunity to play volleyball just to girls in most high schools and colleges.

  2. I have been asking myself that same question for years!  There are some many talented players in the US and after college is gone (for those lucky ones who can keep on playing during college), most of them don't play every again.

    I think it would take great media coverage to bring fans, which will also bring more investors to the league.  

    In a country like the US, with money and great infraestructure I think it could work just fine and can grow up to be very competitive.

    Many years ago they tried to start a league, the USPV in 2001 but didn't last long.

  3. Years ago, the US had a pro co-ed indoor league, back in the late 70's - early 80's I think it was. There were team is Tucson, Salt Lake City, and a few other places. Flo Hyman played, and it was a BLAST to watch. I think, with a little effort to educate the media and the public, it could work again. I would love to see a movie done that has REAL volleyball in it - not just beach or scenes like "Top Gun".... that might get some fans looking for more volleyball to watch. I mean, have you ever seen the guy from Cuba with the 50 inch vertical? search him on You tube. I'd pay for season tickets every year to see players at that level!

  4. Money and a knowledge of volleyball and the patience to wait for a few years for the sport to build.

    Years ago, I found someone on the internet.  He said that he had the contacts with major sports companies, but he did not know how to get together the players.  I organized the group here in Houston.  There was a group in Dallas, Atlanta and Arkansas.  We started programs while he was organizing the money.  We had tryouts in Houston, Dallas and Atlanta.  We even had scrimmages between Houston and Dallas.  We have over 100 people show up by word of mouth advertising only.  With 2 days notice.  We were ready.  I ordered team shirts and paid the league entry fee.  We asked for some of the money to start the promotions and pay the players and coaches something to keep them interested.  He was going to overnight a check for $50,000 for us as startup expenses.  I am still waiting.  It has been several YEARS.  

    I think with some money and patience, a pro volleyball league could grow here.  I liked the idea of the league we tried.  We had only Houston area players on the team.  That would start a fan base.  Players would come out to see their club coach play.  They would come see their former college team mates.  Years down the road, we could have a draft like the other leagues.  But for the first several years, we could use the "local" type draft.  

    If I ever win a Mega Millions, I plan to build a major volleyball complex with enough courts for a national championships.  And then start a pro team in Houston to play in the building.  And the league for them to play.

  5. Practice.Practice.And more practice.Lol!

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