
What would it take to move to Australia, and gain citizenship?

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I am currently in college, and will be receiving a bachelor's degree in Secondary Education for History and Government in about 3-4 years from an institution in Kansas. It is very plausible for me to have a wife and child(ren) by then. What would it take to move to somewhere in Eastern Australia? What is the difference between a permanent residence visa and citizenship in Australia? Are teachers needed in Australia (esp. for history and gov.)? My plausible "wife-to-be" may not have any formal Secondary Education at that point. Would they prevent us from emigrating because of that? How would the degree transfer?

I have also heard they have strict health standards; I have Transpositions of the Great Vessels, which I have had surgery for, and haven't had any problems with for a long time. Would they "discriminate" against me for it?

I'm sure there are lots of other questions and answers that I have not listed, that I would like to know about. Please be as specific and elaborative as possible.




  1. buy a card and get a plane ticket and move there. the laws there are not strict so if anybody messes with you beat them and make them kiss your feet. and then you'll gain respect!

  2. Good question...I would like to know the answer to that myself...I look forward to the other answers...

  3. Our immigration laws are very strict. If you have any skills that are in great need here, then you will have a foot in the door, no worries.

    Permanent Residency is when you are living here will be given a green card, but that does not give you citizenship. Should you apply for citizenship and  it's granted, this gives you all the same rights as an Australian citizen...i.e., the right to vote.

    As far as your wife to be goes, as long as you have the finances to support her and your children, I think they should be okay.

    Not sure about your health, as I have no idea what that is. Go online and google some Aussie Immigration websites that will give you the straight answers you need.

    Good luck! :)

  4. I don't have a good answer but I know Australia is in a serious drought that probably will not go away for a long long time. As much as I like the place, it's turning to desert.  

  5. A wise choice at your age. Submit something now as there may be a great rush at some point in the near future. I say this only because I once planned to go there and I see where its' all going now.

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