
What would it take to turn 20 acres of west Texas landscape into a ranch-style retreat center?

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We already have the buildings, but how do we go about turning the desert-y land into kind of a hobby ranch or farm? It is mostly red sandy dirt, with caliche underneath, but we have lots of pine trees and mesquite. Very sunny, with a 1-2 month rainy season in July & August, cool/cold-ish from November thru February, windy in March and April, hot and dry May through October.

How much money do you think it would cost to have a few horses? Maybe some goats for goats milk? Chickens?

Do you think it's possible to grow wildflowers, or sunflowers?

How about a few vegetables? Would these be possible in something like raised boxes?

Basically, a pretty, ranch style place that folks would enjoy for something different and old-fashioned.




  1. a miracle. i have heard it said that when GOD finished with creation he had some leftovers which he poured out and called west Texas.

  2. Contact your local Small Business Administration and/or your local college and talk with a business professor.  You should set down and draw out a business plan that will help you to focus on the fundamentals of a start up business and the amount of money that it will realistically take to run this operation and to help you create a budget that will continue to take care of your daily needs.  

    Some of this may seem silly to do, yet speaking from experience it will help you to focus on the importance of following your plan and budget.

    Who will you work with for financial advise, legal expertise, insurance issues, marketing your business, etc.  

    It will take good organization.  Who will be in charge when you may be absent, whether for personal or medical reasons.  Very doable, yet you need to focus on a good plan and then see where it will take you.  Good luck.

  3. Do you have a pond, swimming pool, tennis court, is the area wooded, good for hiking, biking, horse back riding? You need a little more than just a couple horses and chickens. A retreat needs awe-some scenic surroundings or things for people to do. Are you going to have bed and breakfast or something of that nature. Let  me give you an example a buddy of mine had a farm where he gave riding lessons and boarded horses. He got this idea to start a children's day camp in the summer months. He would pick the kids up by bus and return them in the same day. (hence day camp) each group of kids would come for a week That was the billing cycle 1 week of day camp. He turned his double car garage into a arts and crafts center put in lockers so the kids had a place to store things and the art project. A lady he hired did the class. He put in four tennis courts, had a swimming pool, a pond with row boats, a Bonn fire for dogs & marshmallows at lunch, and veg. garden, a little petting zoo and horse back riding. The kids went on rotation from one event to the next periods ran about 60 min. All college students were hired to help run the events except for himself and the craft instructor. He broke even the first two summers. There after it was such a hit people were on waiting list to get in. He gave up his job as an electrical engineer. To work out of his house and farm. Don't forget insurance. I am trying to be brief. It's a good idea if you put things the right order. What do you have what do you need 1st, 2td etc.

    Are you going to do individuals, church groups, clubs, kids, adults, etc.

  4. Contact your county extension agent, he/she will know what is being grown and associated costs for your area.  I'm not from Texas, but I think that they are affiliated with Texas A&M University.  If you are unable to get the county agent, contact your local USDA Service Center; The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) can be of help.  

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