
What would it take too get large corporations to support medical marijuana?

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I dont want to be in fear of drug testing while taking medicince.




  1. turtlesoup... the state of cali, the forerunning for medical marijuana, just upheld companies rights to fire someone who failed a drug test who is legally allowed to ingest in the state.  its not just possession! I think it should be the same as any prescription. is it really any different than taking a pain killer and going to work? no one is saying lets go to work high...but rather, let us have the freedom of choice in our own homes on our own time! Im not asking you to stop downing scotch when you get home from work!

  2. It would take really stupid corporate executives.

    If you are on medical marijuana or any other medication that can affect your judgment we cannot allow you in our plant for your own safety.

  3. They must be getting paid off...there are no solid arguments against medical marijuana. And testing positive for drugs in itself can't get you in's having the drugs in your possession that does. In the mean time, consider throwing some support to the marijuana policy project.

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