
What would life be like without the radio?

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What would life be like without the radio?




  1. well you think it would be bad at first but then all songs would be on tv and itunes so you would get used to not having it. ~

  2. boring,

  3. No annoying commercials of health insurance, home equity loans & DJ's thry'n to be funny

    No recycled songs being played 20 times over a day

    No political propaganda BS

    Sign me up!

  4. well to todays society it will be dull but they still have computers so it depends on who you ask.

  5. No Rap . That would suck As$ !!!!

  6. We would still be in the horse and buggy days. Almost every form of communications uses radio signals. There would be no tv, telephones, cell phones, internet, space travel, etc.


  7. it's wrong to even think like that!!! when i first wake up i instantly turn on the radio! what would i do on my way to school? 1 time i had to drive to town in my mom's car (which just happened to have a broken radio) so i sang a made up song i like to call "i am so bored" in operra form... needless to say if we had no radioes, we would all have million-dollar careers in syndeny, aus.

  8. Very has MUCH better pictures than TV

    Lifelong BBC Radio 4 fan

  9. quiet

  10. Do people still listen to radio?

  11. more boring...i prefer music when waking up...

  12. We'd all have iPods

  13. well i would be on the internet and on ma iPod a WHOLE lot more

  14. Great question. A star 4U.

    Hard to even get started. It's like one of those science fiction movies/books where they go back in time - can they change things? Because everything would be changed. The various parts of original radios (tubes, coils, etc) right up to modern day transistors and chips wouldn't have heppened. Or would they? Then we'd have something close but not the same.

    You'd also miss your favorite morning team; Aunt Em wouldn't have lost the farm because of the Emergency Notification system; you grandparents and parents would have gone nuts with no news of the first two World Wars, there'd have been no ELVIS!?

    No Rap ;<)

    I'd be in the car business!! ARRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!

    Jiminy Christmas - him too, Fuera!

    Interesting question. Be better in polls though, where they discuss theoretical stuff.

    -a guy named duh

  15. Cars littered with CDs?

  16. No Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hanitty !! That would suck , big time !!

  17. my life would suck.

  18. It would not affect it much these days. No one I know listens to the radio much anymore.

  19. thats like asking what life would be like without music!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH

  20. The radio in my car died a year ago and it's pretty boring driving without one.  Back when it worked, I would have  it playing and not even really listen to it, it was just background noise.  Now without one I hear sounds I never knew my car made

  21. I drive 1 hour to work every day, and without a radio

    it would be soooo boring.

    ps. I have an IPod but I like to listen to those talk show

    that the give on the radio, they make my commute to work

    very pleasant.


  22. can't imagine!

  23. hard

  24. We would be very ignorant on some foreign affairs. We would have to wait for news on TV. Music wouldn't be very popular and most bands would never make it.

  25. For me life would be bad, i can't go with out 30 mins of hearing radio. Radio means a lot to me, so i cant live with out it!

  26. i dont know...i think maybe we wont know about music as much and like all the new songs will be all like way from 2001

  27. I'd go insane... I don't speakers on my computer at work, so I listen to it all day till I go home at 5pm.. I'd go crazy.. Having music being on makes the day go by faster

  28. it would SUCK!

  29. Wouldn't change at all for me, I never listen to it.

  30. Thre would not be life without radio

  31. h**l. utter h**l.

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