
What would look good? Makeup question!

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I'm going into 10th grade this year and I want to wear makeup, but i don't know what makeup would look good on me.

What should I wear and what colors should I use?

What can I do to my hair also?





  1. Big curls would look really good on you. Make up? Light colors,  light pinks, light greens, and blues..

  2. you're eyes don't look like they could handle much makeup, but besides that here's some tips,

    *a concealer lighter than your skin under the eyes and on blemishes.

    *foundation that is your skin color (a powder kind maybe) all over face.

    *a peachy to lighter pink blush put on with a power (only on apple of cheek)

    *dark brown eyeliner on the top lid

    *and a neutral color eyeshadow.

    *then a brown mascara to sum it all up.

    **as an extra your could try some eyebrow liner (just a LITTLE bit) to bring out your eyebrows

    try that out and see if it works for you.

    and loose curls would look pretty.

  3. Your very pretty :)

    Get somee sidee bangss and maybee have your hair cut into a cute shoulder legnth style maybe with a few layerss.

    Put somee bronzer under your cheekbones or suck in your cheeks and apply to the suken areas.Grin and add some blush to the apples of your cheeks (off to the side of your face a bit).This will make your face appear slimmerr (although your face is NOT fat)

    Add some bronzer to the bridge of your nose, your hairline and chin.

    Then put on a little mascara and very little eyeliner. Maybe try a neutral lipgloss.

    You will look ah-mazingg

    Havee fun, Be happy with who you are & Have a great first day of school :)

    Hope i helped

  4. mascara, blush, leave your hair down, get some side bangs.. that should do the trick

  5. For your :

    Lips shades of pink lip gloss.

    Eyes, black eyeliner, Shades of blue, pink, green and coper eyeshadows.

    Get a face powder that matches your complextion.

    Mark by Avon has good makeup, try it.

  6. awwe well first ure a real pretty girl, Lol.

    ok umm iwould start with some eye liner, liek usually use the liquid ones, because rathe rthen teh stick ones, it doesnt drop, definatley because ure light colored, use light colors like maybe a light pink blush, eyeshawdow, and most definatley big curls, it can really show u off.. and i assure u ull look great  

  7. Hey,

    Well for starters to look a little sophisticated you should take your hair all down and put a side parting in it.

    If you dont already have one get a side fringe put in. It wold be really cheap just to get this done so just go to your local hairdressers. Your hair looks really nice though , it just needs something to liven it up a bit more :)  Try to avoid sweeping it back like in the picture.

    I think it would suit you to curl your hair... your hair looks pretty wavy already so you could always go with that but add more wave to it. This might sound really unprofessional but it will work for loose waves. Before you go to bed.. the night before school, wash your hair and then put it in a french platt. One french platt for loose waves but too if you wanted them a little bouncier. I think it would really suit your face :)

    As for make-up you are only in 10th grade so I suggest as you have brown eyes,  use a BLACK eyeliner pencil to enhance your eyes. Not thick thought just a subtle black line. Then curl your eyelashes and use any black mascara.Your eyebrows look light too so maybe you could use an eyebrow pencil to enhance them ( Please look up how to use one properly though. I dont want you looking like you should be in a circus =p ) I dont think you should use coloured make up.. I think it makes people look younger.I dont know how strict your school is either or your experience with make up so im not really sure.

    Apparently thats make up for school

    You could try something like that though I dont advice the line of eyeliner on the top because it can make eyes look smaller.

    search on youtube for make up ideas and tutorials and you should find what you want sweetie :)

    This is long! lol

    hope I helped

  8. You should try out some natural looking colors first and then later if you are feeling more bold try out the darker tones.

    Hair can be a challenge because you have to get up so early for school. using a straightener can give you a beautiful look in only a short time. For an added spark get some cute hair clips.

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