
What would look good with....?

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What would look good with dark brown eyes and brown hair? i have medium almond shaped eyes and an oval face btw I don't want to over do it since it the first day of school at a new school i don't want to set of a vibe that says that I'm a S****y w***e or anything




  1. I have the same look... dark hair/eyes etc.  on days when i wanna look put together i do this and its sooo easy.  first i brush a highlighting color right under the arch of my eyebrow and at the inner corner of my eye.  next i just sweep a light bronze/gold color across my lid. just finish with black mascara.  make sure u do the shadows in a soft tone and it'll look great :)

  2. try some eyeliner on just the top lid, and mascara. then try mineral powder to give your face a glow.< try truBlend mineral powder by covergirl. thats what i have

    smudge the liner with a q-tip to make it look  more natural.

  3. herers a site hope i helped

  4. You look just like me!! I always stick to brown shadows, brown liner, and lots of black mascara. The more mascara you use, the less liner and shadow you need, so no, you don't look like a S****y w***e :) I don't like my almond eyes, so by putting all that mascara on, it makes my eyes pop and look more round. I always get complimented on my eyes and make up, so noooo, it doesn't look bad lol. I don't wear foundation or anything, i rarely use a pinkish blush, and i always always need chapstick :) a light colored gloss would work too

  5. With dark eyes and dark hair you want to emphasize that with any sort of gold/browns! Stick to what you know, apply a little bit of gold shadow in the eyelid, than blend a soft brown over that to make it look natural. Then if you wan to, smudge a little bit of dark dark brown liner on the upper and lower lids. It doesn't matter if it's not in a straight line. Then apply a gold-creamy color under the brows, on the very inside of your eye to open them up and just a little above your lip, in that little dent thing, to make the light catch it and make them look bigger. For almond shaped eyes, you should never do the "cat eye" look, it'll look to much! Than curl your eye lashes with a heated curler for the best effect, then add a dark brown mascara to the top, and a waterproof one the bottom. Hope that helped!!

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