
What would look good with this?

by  |  earlier

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wall colors, seating, lighting, rugs, decor, ect.




  1. For the wall colors you should go to one of the paint stores and see if they can get a color match (like the second answer) or go to and use their color finding tools. Some good ideas would be that color purple or violet for the trim and door along with a white wall. For seating there are a few options. 1: (if you are college-age or alone) a purple/violet beanbag chair or lounge chair or 2: (if you are married or engaged) a small purple/violet love seat. For lighting you can get either lamps (and of course a regular light) with purple/violet shades or purple/violet candles or whatever... that's a wide choice. Rugs should be either purple/violet and (whichever you'd like) shaggy or plain. Decorations and anything else should stick to the violet/purple theme and should be fun and hip (if young and alone) or comforting and relaxing (married or engaged).

    Hope this helps! Some websites you can go to include (for paint and previewing your room colors) (for cheap decorations) and some others. Good luck and make sure you have fun!

  2. The colors that are in the comforter should be tho colors u should think about using.

  3. walls pale beige, and soft lilacs or purple lamp shades and rugs.  very pretty

  4. white wall wiht the purple trim

    bring the pillow to lowes or soemthing to get color match.

    and stuff that uses those colors and flowers

    have purple orchirds or fake ones. in a vase

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