
What would make a cat stop using the litter box and start peeing on my couch?

by  |  earlier

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yesterday it stuck in the house and i thought my son had peed on the couch during his nap so i scrubbed and scrubbed to get the smell out but this morning i was sitting here at the computer looked over cause my cat was digging at the couch and she was peeing on the couch, what do you think?

I cannot let my cat ruin my couch like that, its pee stinks like crazy, why is it doing this?





  1. If you changed her litter recently, that could be the problem. Maybe she doesn't like her litter. Or maybe she likes the texture of the couch, so get something similar to the texture. For example, if it's a leather couch, your cat might like smooth surfaces, so try pouring enough litter so she can use the litter but also feel a little but the smooth surface of the litter pan or the plastic litter bag (that's what I did after mine started peeing in the sink). Also, cats have a very keen smell, so if the litter's odor is strong, it might bother her.

    If that doesn't work, try retraining her or take her to the vet (it might be a urinary tract infection. look for more symptoms. if her pee smells, that might be a problem, but all pee has some bad odor). But chances are you just need a change of litter.

  2. Did anything change in the house? Cats are one of those pets that do not like change and they show their displeasure by peeing to let you know that they are not happy campers. Is he neutered? When you clean the couch use a good enzyme cleaner to not only remove the stain but to remove the odor that he can still smell.

  3. It is most likely a urinary tract infection.  Cats are very good at hiding pain and illness.  Cats will start associating painful urination with their litterbox and will start going elsewhere.  I recommend calling your vet asap.  The only other thing would be if something was different such as a new litter box, different litter, new location or if their food is too close to the litter box.

    Hope this helps some!

  4. Maybe the catbox needs changed?

    Or maybe she has UTI and needs a vet? I'd take her to the vet, one of my cats peed on the couch out of the blue and I assumed he wasn't feeling good, since his catbox was clean, so I took him to the vet and he had UTI. But check your catbox first.

    I have one picky cat that won't use the kitty box if there is any type of wettness in the So I have to scoop his box several times a day.  

  5. Cats do this for a number of reasons:

    1.) Its a male marking territory.

    2.) The litter box is too full.

    3.)  The cat has a urinary tract infection.

    Most likely it is 3.  I know its hard to do, but you have to collect a urine sample from your cat, take it to your vet and ask them to test for a UTI. (If you  cant collect a sample from your cat, the vet can obtain a sample by sticking a needle in kittys bladder, but OUCH!!!!! If thats the problem they will give you meds and it should solve it right away.  (Cats with UTI's, will usually look for the softest place to pee, thinking it will soften the pain when they go potty!)  Very uncomfy for your kitty!  

    If UTI is the problem your vet may recommend changing your kittys diet to a Urinary Health formula, if it suits your cat.

    The UTI is very common for kitty's, however if it is not the problem you may have a male marking his territory for whatever reason. (Maybe your son did pee on the couch and the kitty smelled it and thought "oh I will pee here to since someone else did"). In that case you may have to clean the couch and just cover it in plastic or something to keep him away from it/out of the room.  

    For the time being I would recommend putting a little litter box in that room, to deter kitty from peeing on the couch. You can purchase a product called "Yesterdays news" its recycled newspaper pellets, and a bit softer to the touch than clay litter, your kitty MAY find this more appealling than the clay litter (if it does have the UTI).


  6. I just had this problem with my cat.  For the past 2 months it has been occuring.  You do have to go to the vet and be sure it is not a UTI though.  I did all of that, spent over 1000 dollars and tore out my carpet that she had been urinating all over.  In the end, it turns out my cat did not like her litter.  I bought some Cat Attract litter at petsmart and now, problem solved.  Not one single accident since I put out the Cat Attract

  7. You mention the cats pee stinks like crazy. That's a sure sign of a urinary tract infection. Get him to a vet then clean the pee stain with vinegar to remove the smell.

  8. the cat is telling you his (her) pee is hurting him. it sounds like a urinary tract infection - which makes their pee stink.  this is the only way the cat knows to get your attention.  get your cat to the vet immediately.

    Nature's Miracle will get the smell out.  you can get it at any pet store.

  9. Could be a few different things going on.  Anything from your cat having a medical issue to it not liking the litter box.  I would try a few simple things before making a big thing out of it.  1. Go to your local pet store and get "Nature's Miracle" spray and apply to the couch where you believe she has urinated.  This will remove the urine smell and discourage further urination in the same spot.  2. Buy a new litter box.  Plastic litter boxes retain odors and cats have very sensitive noses.  3. Consider if your litter is the problem.  Some litters do not come completely clean no matter how often you clean the box.  They retain some odors and "dirt".  She just might not think her box is clean enough.  You might want to think about getting clumping litter or something with odor neutralizers.

    If the problem continues take her in to your vet for a check up.

    I had the same problem and taking the above steps resolved the situation.

  10. Have you moved the litter-box? Have you changed anything in your household?

    I would take the cat and put her in the litter-box. Just so she knows where it is. I would also recommend getting an in-closed litter-box, if you don't have one.

  11. Is the cat box clean.  P ut more them one cat box out. Could be many thing his age.  now he has pee on the couch u will have to make sure the smell is out or he will keep it up .   maybe he smells your sons pee  .   when he is on the couch get a spray bottle of water and spray it at him  to get him off.  

  12. When a cat is on heat, sometimes it pees on places just like on a couch. A friend of mine had the same problem and after she had her cat spayed, the kittie stopped peeing on the couch.

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