
What would make a good custom built computer?

by  |  earlier

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Well i am looking to build a custom built computer for about $500-2,000 AUD.... I have no idea what graphics card will go with what power pack or anything.

So like i said, i want to build a GOOD (Gaming) custom built computer that will run smoothly :)

So if you could please post all links, prices of each item etc... that would be great.

{Requirements: 360GB hard drive, RE driver etc... Sound card, graphics card, power pack (good enough to run better graphics cards etc...) and a good Tower case :)

Thank you,





  1. For a graphics card you could get a high end card for what you've got, maybe a 9800GTX. A good power supply would be around 700 watts which will power your system pretty easily. For CPU, it depends on what processor type you want, Intel or AMD. Once you find what processor you want, find a motherboard that supports it and the graphics card, and get 4GB of quality RAM.

    For prices, it depends where you live. is a good place for USA, MSY for Australia but I have no idea about UK.

  2. just give me a call i will make such in $700

  3. minimum: (i recommend for GOOD gaming experience)

    -Core 2 Quad.  CPU,

    -Buy a good ASSUS motherboard becouse you can upgrade later!!!

    -GeForce 8800 GTS- or greater cards

    -2GB ddr3 or 4GB ddr2 RAM,

    -at least 7200rpm HDD but buy one 10-15000rpm (for windows and few game)

    -min 450W Power supply but can buy bigder if you want to buy bigger  video card later.

    - make sure you buy a big case.

    ...and a LARGE screen.... :)  

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