
What would make a kitten's ears smell odd?

by Guest61095  |  earlier

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i have adopted the cutest kitten. i have dewormed and defleaed him. but his ears have an odd odor in them. any idea? thanks!!!!




  1. Yup.. ear mites or a yeast or bacterial overgrowth.  Kitty should go see a vet for proper diagnosis and treatment.  Shouldn't cost you much more than an exam and a $10-15 bottle of treatment.

  2. is there black/brown stuff in there... usually ear mites or ear ticks have something to do with it... I am dealing with ear mites at the moment and they make my kitten's one ear smell terrible... call a vet and get an appointment to test the ear wax and deal with it properly..

    loki is right as well, an ear infection is another culprit, either way call a vet and have the kitten boostered and looked at...

  3. Ear mites/ear infection. Since you adopted the kitten, bring the kitten to the vet for a check up. I just adopted a little boy 3 weeks ago and found that he had roundworms and coccidia. The vet can get you good meds for the ears and meds for anything else your new baby has. Congrats on the adoption. I'm sure you'll give this kitten a great life.  

  4. ear mites.

  5. Could be a number of things:  ear mites, beginning of an infection, etc.  I would run by the vet and have him check it out.  Better to nip it the bud.

  6. It is more than likely ear mites. You can take it to the vet and get treatment for it, but you can also make it at home. Take a squirt bottle and mix half and half vinegar and green menthol rubbing alcohol. Squirt that in the kitten's ears every few days and massage the ears. The kitten will hate it, but it will get rid of the mites. It will loosen all the gunk in her ears so she can shake it out and will kill the mites.

  7. Could be ear mites...the vet can diagnose and give you medicine for that.

    Could be ear wax...kittens and puppies tend to have pretty dirty ears because they're so close to the ground. Cleaning the outsides with q-tips pretty regularly [don't rub too hard because the skin is delicate] helps a lot with that.

    Could be a yeast infection....the vet can diagnose THAT and give you medicine for that, too.

  8. It's a yeast infection in their ear's my dog gets them every summer from swimming in the pool and my cat has it right now you just have to get the ear drops from the vet and they will clear up  

  9. Putting your noes in them.

  10. its an ear infection. and ear mites won't make your cats ears smell, they make them itch

  11. It Is Probably Ear Mites:

    The cat's ears may also swell. If you sniff the cat's ears, they will have a foul smell. Quite often, if the cat has a flea problem, they may also have mites.

    The cat will do a lot of ear scratching and head shaking, and may develop bald spots around the ears due to all the scratching. If you look inside the ear, you will see black specks. It is a buildup of wax and looks like coffee grounds.

    Take your cat to the vet for an examination and ear cleaning. Ear mite medicine available at pet stores is not as good as the medicine you get from a vet. For any medicine to work, the vet has to first clean the cat's ears. The mites cannot be killed by just buying some medicine at the store and putting it in the infected ears.

    A vet will clean out the infected ears and put medicine in them. You will probably also be given ear mite medicine to take home and put in the cats' ears every day. There are several products that vets use, and it's all a matter of the vet's preference and the degree of infestation.

    After the infection is gone, remember to check your cat's ears regularly. Look for a wax and black specks oozing out of the ear. If you live in a house where there is more than one cat, take every cat to the vet for an examination.

    Do not try to clean your cat's ears at home. Using a cotton swab can pierce the cat's eardrum if pushed down too far. If you try washing the cat's ears, there are certain things you have to be careful with, such as not allowing the liquid to drain. It is best to let your vet treat the mites.

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