
What would make an already trained 2 year old dog start chewing?

by  |  earlier

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things all of a sudden. He gets at least 2 hours of exercise a day and attention all day. I'm a stay at home mom so he gets plenty of attention and exercise and we work his play and exercise into our schedule. His vet visit was not until the end of the year but I'm going to call and just move it up after the holiday is past but he just ate a cell phone and he's been eating other things left laying in his reach lately. He never did this before.




  1. It could be a sore tooth or jaw.  I lean towards this if boredom isn't the problem and it doesn't seem to be.

  2. he needs his own toys. a tennis ball or rope tether is good. And you may want the vet to check his teeth.

  3. Has any thing changed in your house hold recently for him to begin this behavior.  For example, a new baby.

    Have you changed his diet at all? He may possibly be craving vitamins he's not getting from his food. Don't forget a growing dog's diet changes.

    Have you checked his teeth for a rotting or broken tooth? Or even something stuck in it?  

    If you think that it isn't any of the above then yes, take him to the vet for a check up just in case. But it may be that he's decided that he wants to be a chewing dog and you'll just have to train him out of it by giving him his own toys if he doesn't have some already.

  4. Dogs lose teeth all the time and it could be he's teething. The other thing could be that he needs something different in his diet so he's eating various things to try and stop the craving.

  5. How are his teeth?  They could be bugging him.

    Until you get to a vet - get some chew toys so he doesn't rip apart your shoes, your furniture, etc.

  6. Rotate his toys, keep things "new" to him, that way he does not become bored with what he has.  Offer him things he can shew on such as nylabones and kong toys :)

    A reply about the teeth thing, a 2 year old dog would nto be cutting new teeth, dogs get 2 sets of teeth just like people, if the dog loses a 2nd tooth he will have a space not a 3rd tooth in its place :)

  7. I think he's starting to test the limitations of his master(s).  He's just reaching adulthood, so it's typical that he would be pushing the envelope.  If you just stay consistent in your handling, he'll get over it eventually (provided he has no medical issues).

  8. I don't know.  It sounds like you're doing all the right things.  Is there any change in his environment that you can think of that has upset him?  If not, maybe his teeth are bothering him....just a thought.  Maybe when you call your vet to reschedule his appointment you could ask them.  Good Luck!

  9. He sounds like he is bored.  He might not be getting enough exercise.  A 20 to 30 minute walk might work for a small dog but if it is a big dog or like a Border Collie they need extra exercise and stimulation they are working dogs.  Maybe a longer  walks a day would work.  Or if you have a bike, roller blades or running will do.  If you take him for a walk do you change your areas of walking.  You can also try agility training, build a little agility course in your yard.  I have three Great Danes if I don't work them hard like 2 or 3 miles a day they get very destructive. My 20 month old chewed up my wood rocker because I didn't walk her far enough.  Also if you cannot walk your dog very far or for long periods try a doggie backpack and fill it with water bottles and it will make him work harder.  Good luck!

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