Apart from its CO2 emission (and its present monthly cost of about 8 million pesos = U$200K) in its use of Fossil Fuel (Bunker & Diesel), a Philippine Oleo Chemical Firm is considering converting to the use of BioMass. It is envisioned that truckloads of Farm Waste (Rice Hull & Coconut Husk w/ Shell) would be delivered to its Plantsite located along the windy and sunny Philippine Pacific Coastline frequented by strong typhoons year-round. This Oleo Chemical firm uses "Bleached Earth" in its refining process - thereby, having "Spent Earth" (with about 20% Oil Content) as its Industrial Waste By-Product.
Despite our prospective Client's Plan for a change-over from 100% Fossil fuel to 100%BioEnergy, we contend that the change-over from Fossil Fuel to Alternative Energy Mix (AEM) might be a better option. Further to comparative Cost-Benefit Studies, the AEM Options could be as follows: (1st Option) 30% Solar + 30% Wind + 30% Biomass + 10% Spent Earth; (2nd Option) Other combinations.