I'm 15 years old and I am completely anti social. I never like to meet any of my school friends outside of school, unless I have to for a group project. I feel like everyone in my high school is going to end up failing at life because they do poorly at school, they only care about losing their virginity before 18, trying pot, skateboarding, and video games.
My life is completely different. I am always in the house unless I am going to school or maybe some very rare occasion. This summer I spent every single day inside watching TV and honing my programming skills. Over the past few years, my isolation has earned me knowledge in several different computer programming languages, which I am proud of.
When I am outside in public, I hate it. I feel like everyone is judging me. I just want to be alone all the time.
Now don't get me wrong, I like being alone. I really like living in isolation for 10 hours per day until my parents come home. And I even enjoy it when they're here. But I've noticed that every other kid my age is outside all the time having fun with friends, and I don't want to be like them. Is something wrong with me?