
What would make title matches better?

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well we have seen undertaker and edge steal the show at summerslam and batista and cena possibly one of raws greatest matches but i think the the two title matches at summerslam lost intrest because of the big main event i think title matches are getting less hype what can wwe do to make title matches bigger and better




  1. First and foremost, regardless to the performer, you can't really top a card with a gimmick match like h**l in a Cell with a regular, run-of-the-mill main event.  Sadly, that's about the only gimmick match I can say that about, because h**l in a Cell still remains legit and dangerous in the fan's eyes, whereas regardless to how hard they try to put over a Cage match or an Elimination Chamber, or Punjabi Prison match, they just don't top the dangerous and ominously sinister past of h**l in a Cell.  People have been put on the shelf due to that match, and some were driven into early retirement because of this risky gimmick match.  Plain and simple, h**l in a Cell is the only gimmick with a credible reputation left, and when you throw in a Cell veteran like the Undertaker or Triple H, you may as well p**s on the rest of the card up until that point, and anything after, because the rest of the card doesn't matter as soon as that match starts.  There's just so much basic raw emotion, and actual fear that goes into that match, and the structure just has that aura where you can almost picture Mick Foley falling through the top every time you look at it.  It's just such a force, that gimmick.  

    With that being said, the two title matches, Triple H vs Khali and CM Punk vs JBL really lack that collosus star power feel.  Sure, Triple H is a big champion, but Smackdown's surprisingly turned a blind eye to the Game in recent weeks, up until 2 weeks before Summerslam, when they finally decided to give this feud with Khali some wings.  JBL vs CM Punk's had a fair amout of air time, but the fact remains that Punk already held a (debatably) clean victory over JBL, and that nobody really cares about John Bradshaw Layfield as a competitor, and even fewer buy him as a legitimate threat to the world title.  Did CM Punk need that win?  Heck yeah, but I don't think people really expected less, and I think the predictability of it all really plays into it.  Back to Khali and Triple H for a second.  Say what you will about Khali; he's a crappy wrestler, he has no mic skills, yadda yadda yadda, I'm not debating that,but I will debate his bankability.  The guy has a very sinister look, and a very devistating, and fairly well built up claw finisher, but the WWE never consistantly pushes the guy, and I believe that there is a mystique to Khali that casual fan's buy into...if given a chance to, but WWE hasn't built him up as a threat.  Sure, he locked the claw on Triple H, but whose he beaten?  And more importantly, what calibur and size of athlete has beaten him?  If they were to push Khali as a silent monster whom attacks who he wants, when he wants, and gave him a solid winning streak full of squashes (similar to what they've done with Kozlov), I could buy into him, but as things are, I just don't see his potential being met.

    And finally, you have to also consider the quality of match, and part of this goes towards track record.  If you've had a crappy 3 months, and you're booked in a world title match, odds are fans aren't going to give you a fair chance to prove that you can put on a good bout.  Such is the case with John Cena and JBL.  Layfield had that going against him, because he's been in VERY few good matches since returning from broadcasting, and throwing in a newcomer like  Punk whom he's had little ring time with, you begin to wonder if this match is worth watching (which I view as a mistake on the fan's part after Punk's outstanding exhibition with Batista last month).  Then you have Khali, whom everyone universally views as a bad wrestler incapable of being carried, even by someone like Triple H.

    If you want people to be excited about your title matches, book good wrestlers, and even if you don't, at least build up the feud for longer than 2 to 3 weeks.

  2. i think that they should get top superstars to fight

  3. well what they need to do is have the superstars get pumped up and fueled by doing things to the other superstar. They also need to make title matches like hardcore, no dq, steel cage, parking lot brawl, etc. etc. its just that simple. and if wwe would actually make an attempt to make storylines and matches better than the whole wwe can be better and they can have more viewers.

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