
What would make you call a person a bad parent?

by  |  earlier

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So what would make you call a person a bad parent? I know i will probably get alot of varied answers and i wanted to get what people's opinions are. For me, I think a person would be a bad parent if they didn't spank heir kids when they were little or if they didn't accept their kid for who they are. i posted this in another section to get more answers




  1. - don't listen to their kids when the kids NEED to talk (i'm talking dr. phil session here)

    - don't accept their children for who they really are

    - won't take any responsibility for their actions

    - don't discipline their children right when it's necessary

    - don't encourage or motivate their children to always try their best at everything they do

  2. living their children on the streets

  3. Neglecting or abandoning the kids

    Beating and abusing their kids

    Haphazardly having baby after baby they can't provide for

    Failing to use any form of constructive discipline

    Not giving any reward when children do right

    Disowning a child for being g*y or not sharing their religion

    Being a rotten example, such as by being a junkie or wife beater

    Ostracizing the child for their disabilities and shortcomings

    Deliberately harming or psychologically sabotaging the children to get attention (Munchausen syndrome) or to keep the children dependent

  4. Making their kids do stuff they don't want to do, hit them for no good reason, yell at them for no reason,calling them bad names and I have allot more but, it's too long

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