
What would make you happy?

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What would make you happy?




  1. to be with someone i love....

  2. Music. Knowing this about myself means that I can make myself happy almost any time of any given day.

    Know thyself.

  3. In order to make me happy, I think I would have to obtain all of the material, emotional, and spiritual things that I have ever wanted and then lose them all in a sudden, dramatic way. Then after spending enough time to realize how much I miss those things and become thoroughly upset about losing all of them, I was given all those things back in a equally sudden, dramatic way. Then I would be extremely happy.

  4. I like drugs...or alcohol...or both, they all make me happy

    in all honesty i would say that having every thing i want would make me happy, but that honestly sounds depressing, so i just want to get f*cked up and have a good generally appreciated by people, have some friends....get laid...all that good stuff, that will make me generally happy

  5. I don't want possessions, I just want security (if that's possible). I want a home for my children which cannot be taken away and food to eat. I know I should be happy without those things but...

  6. Right now... it would be having a character I've created to be real. That would be amazing :)

    If we're talking material things, then: an ultra-zoom digital camera or a DSLR cam and/or new books - need to read!

    But mainly, the character would be more than enough to make me happy.

  7. to have been able to get tickets to the midnight showing of dark didn't pan out :(

  8. For this chest pain to go away.

  9. right now? To find out if i have passed all stages of my Prison Officer application/assessments/tasks.

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