
What would make you resent a person that you once liked?

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Say you had really liked them up until they did one thing to turn you off them, and you never liked them in the same way again. (It doesn't have to be a boyfriend/girlfriend, even just a friend in general....)




  1. One thing that made me resent a person i once liked was that he kept acting different around other people.And i don't think that is fair at all.

  2. Betrayal of trust.  I recently had this happen to me and it was a very hard and hurtful thing to work through.  She and I were very tight and shared almost everything.  The betrayal came in during my divorce when my ex husband went to her house with some convoluted story aimed at driving a wedge between us.  She was a strong support system for me.  Anyway, she chose to believe his allegations without ever even speaking to me about them.  When I finally found out why she had been acting weird, that she had already taken a known liar's word, I was beyond words.  We haven't spoken since.  I chose to move on with my life and consider her a person put into my life to help me grow emotionally.  It's a hard thing but, you never REALLY know anyone.  It was a hard lesson to learn and a hard pill to swallow.  I don't know what is going on with you but you will get through it.  What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger.

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