
What would my car accident settlement be worth?

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I was not at fault. The other driver did not report it so my adjuster had to make the claim to the other insurance a week later. My car has some damage. I am now in physical therapy for my neck, shoulders, & back. My child was in the car but did not sustain injury. What kind of settlement is fair?




  1. Each claim is evaluated on it's own merits.

    There is no chart that says you get X dollars.

    We can't answer this question for you.

  2. You need to tell us where this loss occurred.  Just because you may have been injured does not mean that you are entitled to monetary compensation.  The tort threshold requirements vary from state to state.  Some are verbal, some are monetary and in others your injury needs to be serious.  The definition of serious also varies.  Case value varies from state to state as well.  A claim in one of NY's boroughs is worth far more than the same claim in NH.

    If you are tort eligible, the claims adjuster will evaluate your claim based on the nature and extent of your injury, disability, treatment and permanency, if any.  Your medicals and any lost wages will be included assuming that you do not have PIP coverage.   Any potential settlement will not be considered until you have stopped treating.

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