
What would my child's eye and hair color be?

by  |  earlier

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My Mother; Blue Eyes and Brown Hair. My Father; Blue Eyes and Brown Hair. I Have; Blue Eyes, and Brown Hair.

My Partner's Mother; Blond Hair and Blue Eyes. My Partner's Father; Black Hair and Brown Eyes. My Partner Has; Black Hair and Hazel Eyes[Brown mixed with Blue]

Can anyone tell me what the child will most likely look like? Possibly in percentages :]

I've tried the punnet square calculators, they are difficult to use because of my partners eye color.




  1. You (probably) have: 2 genes for blue, at least one gene for brown

    Your partner (probably) has: 1 gene for brown eyes, 1 gene for blue eyes, 1 gene for brown hair, one gene for black hair.

    So your child has 50% chance of blue eyes, 50% chance of brown eyes, small chance of something inbetween.

    slightly less than 50% chance of brown hair (depends on whether you are a carrier for blonde) and 50% for black.

    That's a very simplified version and it's not strictly true because there are more than one gene for both of these traits, which produce some variation in colour (eg light blue to dark blue to hazel to light brown etc), but it's a rough guide.  

  2. probly green eyes and dark brown hair

  3. there is no definite answer.

  4. there really is no answer the color could be anything it all has to do with genetics  

  5. The baby will have have brown eyes and brown hair.

    Only two people with blue eyes will have a blue eyed baby.  There is a chance the baby will have hazel eyes also. But your blue eyes are recessive to your partners hazel.

  6. Are you married or is this a child conceived out of wedlock?

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