
What would my coat of arms be?

by Guest33608  |  earlier

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My name is blake mcwilliams feel free to share yours.




  1. Try Rodney in Hooky Street

  2. look up what your alst name means and that would be at the top of your coat of arms. go to and search "coat of arms". one of the listings that comes up will tell you the meaning of different animals. choose one that fits you and then place one on each side of the arms. then choose two colors that represent you and those should be your main colors on the arms. we just had to do one in AP Lit. at school and it was easier than i thought it would be

  3. Where is what your family coat of arms look like:

  4. You won't find that information here.The web sites mentioned here are just money makers.Edit........ and if I'm not mistaken giving them out is spamming, they are businesses.

  5. Go to this website

  6. None.  You have no right to a coat of arms merely because you share a name with someone who has one.

  7. I believe to have a coat of arms you have to have a direct relative who was a knight or a lord. You'll need to have your family tree to show that you are related to this person and present it to the College of Arms in London. Only then can you use the coat of arms.

    I'm pretty sure that this is the proper procedure to get a coat of arms. I read it in a book over the summer, but I sadly don't have the book with me right now.

    I hope this helps!

  8. one with no sleeves,

  9. the one belonging to another with your name won't be yours

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