
What would my credit limit be with a 636 credit score?

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What would my credit limit be with a 636 credit score?




  1. 636 is about the best you can get.  You could have an almost unlimited credit limit.

  2. It would be extremely low...that's a rather low credit rating-if they would give you credit at all

  3. $4436

  4. well depends, if we assume your score is right now 636, when the bank extend credit to you...if your income for instance is high, you may actually get more, not because your credit was good...but because you were in a good income bracket...

    there are too many variables...please elaborate and be more can't expect us to just tell you how much you'll get until you say what exactly your credit situation is...example : ever had bankruptcy? or settlements....or whatever.

    There are quite a few factors involved...if you're earning less you won't get much but sometimes banks have promotional offers so they may give a $2000 credit card even though you wouldn't get it from anywhere else otherwise.

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