
What would my mother's brother's wife's brother's daughter be to me?

by  |  earlier

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i guess i mean my uncle's wife's brother's daughter..

this is serious. i'm not trying to trick anyone. i really want to know.




  1. They are nothing to you. Try and follow me...

    Your Uncle Wife=Your auntie if you want to call her that

    Your auntie (by marriage) brother is nothing to you= its your uncles brother in law

    Your uncle brother in law child has nothing to do with you, but if you want they could be your 2nd cousin, I think.

  2. Nothing at all.  There is no relation.

  3. umm well


    moms brother:uncle

    uncles wife:aunt

    aunts brother:nothing cuz really ur not blood related to ur aunt or ur aunts brother or ur  aunts brothers daughter

    i know its a little tricky but read it slowly

  4. Nothing

  5. nothing.

    if its your aunt by marriage

    (meaning she married into your family)

    then anyone on her side of the family has no relation to you


  6. Nothing.  Not even cousins as there is no blood relation.  This doesn't mean you can't treat them like family if you want to!

  7. your niece inlaw

  8. nothing. they are not related to you at all. Just call them by they're name :]

  9. distant cousin through marriage maybe?

  10. They are nothing to you. They are your Uncles niece, but nothing to you.

  11. Your cousin.i don't know anything about that once removed mess. I am still trying to figure out if my cousin is really my cousin. (My grandmother's niece is her grandmother)  

  12. No blood relation :) It'll consider to be your uncle's niece.

    Btw, sounds tricky though. One of my ex bf happens to be my mom's brother's wife's cousin's son! :) And I only gotta know about it when we got together plus during his grandma's wake!  

  13. Your aunt's niece.

    There is no blood relation, maybe a second cousin by marriage..

  14. third cousin twice removed?

  15. cousin

  16. No relationship.

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