
What would my new girlfriend think if I mentioned to her that I slammed close to 200 girls before her?

by  |  earlier

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I guess I won't be telling her, then.




  1. Dont Tell Her Until the Time Is Right If She Is A New Girlfriend dont Tell Her Now Its To Soon

  2. prolly ur a player and wont love her as much as you would/could.

    And that u'd only going out with her 'cause u want her body and stuff =3

    dats just my opinion, but sometimes..its good to lie/ not tell ur close lover something that u kno would hurt 'em.

    i'd kno since my bf now is the same as u ._. of course i got over it.

  3. she would totaly think your lying... or just be like EWWW dude! why the h**l would you tell you girl that?! seriously! think about if she told you she had s*x with 200 boys and gave out alot of bjs and c**p? BAD RIGHT?!! geesh

  4. thats sick and she probably wouln't beleive you anyways but thats sick.

  5. A wise man wouldn't tell his GF that. My guess is that you are in fact very sexually inexperienced. That is the only reason you would be asking this question here.

  6. She'd think that your a hoe.  And be careful because she might dump you!  I sure would.  I mean i don't want to date a pimp.  Also, she might think ur ignorant and a liar.  After All, your not always @ work, are you?

    Or is it simply that your just too busy??


  7. If she has any sense, she'll realise what a horrid little sleazebag you are and dump you.  Talking about your past sexual activity in terms of "slamming" girls does not make you a man, let alone a man anyone would want to be with.

  8. The fact you used the phrase 'slammed' is rather disrespectful.

  9. thats wrong and sick sorry but she doesnt deserve you you crazy bad boy

    you dont deserve love you big monster, you JERK

    you probably gotten girls feelings hurt and your so sick and wrong!

    probably half of the girls are pregnant with ure baby!

  10. She'd think, hmm, they say that when you have s*x with someone you're actually having s*x with everyone THEY ever had s*x with. That would mean she had s*x with you and the 200 girls you had s*x with, and all of the guys those 200 girls had s*x with. Hmm, that makes me a public bathroom?

    You don't have to tell her, but when the genital herpes flares up, she'll find out anyway.  LOL

  11. She would tell her father and he would take you to the woods and Slam you into the tree and than take you to the clinic to be tested for an std and if his daughter had anything than I would run cause if not you may never walk again.


  13. That you r a looser that cant keep a woman honestly .....if she ask for this question be honest and i hope that you are not proud of it.

  14. what are you talking about slammed close?

    sexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx?? hahh.

    well if that was the issue i would probably be mad and would think that the guy would just wanna be with me to do stuff and have like s*x or whateverrrr.

    but who knows what she would sayy.

  15. I agree with first 2 posters

    if I were her I'd see you as sexually promiscuous, insecure, unable to commit, most likely infected with an STD, and most likely a father...many times over.

    I'd break the speed of light running, screaming from you

    Sorry dude. get tested, get fixed if you need to, talk to a counselor, and don;t try a committed relationship until you're ready for it

  16. Disgusted if she has any class and self respect and confidence. And if she has already slept with you she should get tested at once. Why you feel the need to "slam" almost 200 girls is another question and the fact that you used the word slammed also speaks lowly of you.

  17. Why does everybody assume you are a walking STD cause you've slept with a ton of chicks.  YOu might be in your 50's or 60's.  I doubt it but even still.  Everyone is so judgmental.  ANYWAYS, To give you an honest answer.  KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!!!!   If you blurt that out then you might find yourself single.  Chicks dont like the male s**t thing.  

  18. I would say don't tell her just yet unless you guys get really serious and you can't keep one thing from her. She may think at first you just want the relationship for s*x. If she asks you, say you have had s*x alot, don't say a number, or anything, and say those people meant nothing, because making love is so much better then just s*x. And if you guys fall in love and make love, you can tell her you made love for the first time, and that will make her feel special.

  19. That's Sickening! I would seriously get tested before you two do any action if you haven't already done it. I would definitely tell her too that you have slept with that many woman.

    I personally would dump your ****, get tested (even if I haven't done anything with you). That's N-A-S-T-Y. Yucky!!

  20. It depends on if you still want to see her after you tell her some c**p like that.

    Most girls would drop you.

  21. first of all, you really need to get checked before getting involved with her if you really care about her. and you can't change the past, be honest with her, but don't just come out and say "hey i slameed 200 girls before you so you're not my first just so you know" if she asks or you fall into a conversation regaurding it, then tell her. but you never know, she may not care, be as bad as you, or even look beyond your past since its already over with

  22. The same thing that I am thinking, you are a player and are after women for one thing and one thing only and I would be requesting that you be tested for HIV and any other thing that is contagious. I think she would tell you to hit the road too, if she doesn't then something is most definately wrong either that or she has the same problem you have

  23. That you're a lying slag?

    If you're trying to impress won't.  If you're trying to prove you're a disgusting pig...well done mate.

    And says here you'd go nutters if you found out she was equally active.

  24. she would say "its nice that you are to much of a stupid cocksniffer to get women, so you have to settle for little girls"..........P**k Yew   dikknose

  25. She'll probably leave. It's not special to be #201. Whether she stays or not, she will wonder to herself if you are really a liar.

  26. just tell her that the past is the past, and that you don't care to know how many guys she's had before you.  If she knows that she's 201, she'll always be thinking that she's just another number.  If you aren't planning on cheating, and actually want to be in a relationship, she doesn't need to know.  But do get tested, and ask if she's been tested.  Or both go together to start with a clean slate.

  27. If she REALLY liked you she'd be like "Ok then, lets forget about them." But normally.. They'd be like "What the h**l!?! **** you!" And most probably knee you on the wrestler..

  28. um id say get tested first just to make sure and as long as you know your clean from stds i think shell be fine with it, she might worry shell be another "notch on your belt" but that might be all the problem, she might even think its s**y how experianced you are.

  29. she'll probably think something along these lines:

    "What kind of a guy have i picked for a boyfriend"

    "Can you say CLINIC before you touch me"


  30. I think she would think your a total idiot and a walking STD.  Hopefully dumps your sorry excuse of a man.

  31. That you're an ***.  First of all how old are you? Do you really think anyone is stupid enough to believe you?  Second even if it were remotely true than what woman in her right mind would want you as a boyfriend.

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