
What would obama do when putin starts to take countries and iran explodes nuclear weapons?

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cling to religion???




  1. I think he would be too busy blaming everyone else for the world's problems to do anything.  I have never seen the man take responsibility or ownership of any of his mistakes, yet he loves to point the finger of blame.

  2. what did putin do when we started to take over countries?  what did iran do when we dropped the only nuke on a population in history? the answer to your question is Obama will do whatever he deems necessary...hopefully he will have better judgement than republican bush

  3. Raise taxes again and make payments to them.  He would probably want to sell Alaska back to Russia for the original sale price.

  4. Well, thankfully... he would have pulled all of our troops out of Iraq, so we have a bit of military to use.

    And hopefully, he would have repaired our damaged status in the world, so we have allies for the next conflict.  

    Do you think America is the world's police?  We're going to need help from other countries if a major conflict arises... Dubya did more harm than good for us... even for the military.

  5. Obama will reveal his real skin as a chameleon.

  6. He will got to the library and check out a book called " the Idiots Guide to being a president during a threat"  

  7. Consult Bush..  

  8. You know the GOP is really good at distortion and they have fooled so many people. I think the Dems are stupid too allowing the GOP to claim the title of keeping the U.S safe after all who was running this country when 9/11, Katrina, 6.5 million jobs lost, 4,500.00 young men and women dead over a lie not to count the innoncent families in Iraq.  Now to anwser your question about Obama I'll take a chance rather than to except 10% on John McCain who is the same BUSH MACHINE.  

  9. He better make sure that his teleprompter is working properly and have lots of backups.

  10. He won't EVER let it get to that point.  

  11. Ask them to drink tea.

  12. or when  the wicked witch sends flying monkeys????

    somebody raise the threat level before election day.

  13. Haha call his national service corps.

  14. I don't know - and I don't know if he even knows, and that's a little unsettling.

  15. He'll be exposed for the charlatan that he is.  His failure as a lawyer is what forced him to become a political organizer.  That is proof that he is unfit and unqualified to be President.  Add to that the fact that he is an America hating, racist ex-crackhead Marxist and it becomes clear that he is nothing more than a smooth talker who promised little more than rehashed Socialist policies that are doomed to fail and do nothing to solve the countries problems.

  16. He'd consult a few focus groups, which would take about six weeks. Then he'd call for UN sanctions since that is what every president does. He would then give up and say the situation is above his paygrade,  and change the subject to "change you can believe in" whatever that might mean.

  17. Russia doesn't have the capital to prop up itself, let alone other countries, and Iran can't possibly hope to compete with Israel in the arms department, let alone the US.

  18. It depends on the countries.    I think Obama would honor NATO obligations and defend the countries.

    He's also been explicit about Iran, he would attack them if he believed they were building a nuclear weapon.

    If Iran actually exploded a nuclear weapon, then Israel would nuke them immediately.

  19. If you elect a president who believes in diplomacy as a first option, like Obama, rather than one whose only solution to any problem is war, such as McCain, you are less likely to be confronted with such situations.  

    Unfortunately we have had an arrogant president for the last eight years, who has not only alienated his own countrymen, but the rest of the world with his bullying tactics.  That is why we find ourselves in such a dangerous predicament.  Calling other countries evil empires and their leaders evil doers does not bring them to the negotiating table.  Talking to those leaders and finding common ground

    often leads to peaceful solutions.


    It amazes me to think that there are people, who have grown up knowing only war, and have no idea what peace is like.  We have known nothing but war, since Bush took office and will know nothing else for the next four years if McCain does.  The fact that a person has a quick temper does not mean that he will be  better at protecting us, just the opposite.  A soldier only knows how to fight, he does not necessarily have any expertise at diplomacy or being president.  

    These are dangerous times, and we need cool heads to guide us through them.

    The Republicans are using the same scare tactics to try to win this election that they have used before. But we are not safer than we were in 1999 or 2004.  We attacked oil rich countries, oil prices have gone up, thousands of people have died, billions of dollars have been spent, and we are in a recession.  

    All of the people who want more wars should enlist in the army, so the soldiers who are serving multiple tours now, with just two wars going, can come home or get some R & R.  

    Obama would find diplomatic solutions to world problems, so we wouldn't have to go to war, but he would fight if the situation warranted it.  The key is knowing which option better serves our interests at the time.

    By the way, the elevangelists have been supporting Republicans for years and McCain sought their support, even one who said Katrina was a punishment from God.

    "Mr. Falwell, a bootlegger’s son who disapproved of Martin Luther King Jr.’s civil rights activism because “preachers are not called to be politicians, but soul-winners” changed his mind amid the “secular” excesses of the 1960s and went on to found Moral Majority Inc. The organization mobilized the Christian right into a political force that eventually helped elect Ronald Reagan in 1980 and also established the Republican Party as the home of politically active Christian evangelicals.

    Mr. Wolfowitz was not a “movement conservative.” He did not inveigh against the sins of “secular liberalism” or homosexuals and the American Civil Liberties Union.

    But like Mr. Falwell, he came to politics in the 1970s, when the conservative insurgency was reaching its apex and new ideological lines were emerging. Mr. Wolfowitz, from a family of immigrant Jews from Poland, was a brilliant student whose teachers included three neoconservative giants — Allan Bloom, Leo Strauss and Albert Wohlstetter. He felt out of place on the Yale faculty and discovered his métier as a military strategist in the Ford Administration. In his first major assignment he joined a team of analysts who drew up a dire, and some said, exaggerated analysis of Soviet military strength.

    The report clashed with intelligence assessments, presaging Mr. Wolfowitz’s clash with intelligence experts in the months leading up to the Iraq invasion.

    During this period, the ideas espoused by Mr. Falwell and Mr. Wolfowitz, though both were valued on the right, did not mesh; they were unconnected, spokes in the large conservative wheel. And so they remained during the first months of George W. Bush’s administration.

    But after 9/11, neoconservatives and evangelicals found common cause in their shared belief in American exceptionalism and in the idea that the country’s values could be exported abroad. Mr. Bush was receptive to the synthesis, and it became the ideological centerpiece of the war on terror, with its stated mission to combat the “axis of evil” in a global “war on terror.”

    Today, of course, this vision, has been widely repudiated, if not altogether discredited. The public has grown skeptical, or maybe just tired, of the hard-edged and often polarizing politics. And this change coincides with broad-based skepticism of the Bush presidency itself — as witnessed by Mr. Bush’s and his party’s perilously low approval ratings. The G.O.P.’s embrace of the conservative movement is beginning, some say, to resemble a death grip.

    But there have been no signs of atonement within the movement. Mr. Falwell, who notoriously suggested that the Sept. 11 attacks reflected God’s judgment of “the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the g**s and the lesbians,” said last September that he hoped Hillary Clinton was running for president because she would outdo “Lucifer” in energizing his constituents."

  20. No he would offer to organize their community and get Oprah his secretary of state to help them feel good about their new roles in the world.

    "Nuke them like Roosevelt did back in the day." Must be where the other 7 states went.

    Roosevelt never nuked anyone. he died with his "lover" in Georgia. Truman ordered the first Nukes on Japan.

    The fact is no president is going to involve US Troops in stopping Russia's land grab for oil control!

  21. Tell all U.S. citizens to evacuate to the north, where there is a country called Canada where everyone'll be safe. Canada promised to do that if the U.S. could include their skies as part of NORAD.

  22. Make America their first target, COUNT ON IT

  23. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh wait are your serious?

    There is No Way that will happen!

  24. Call Senator McCain and see what he'd do.

  25. Obama won't put a bunch of dolts who graduated from Oral Roberts University in charge of policy, so it will not come to war.

    Folks that support McCain speak of war as inevitable, probably because with McCain, war IS inevitable.

  26. he would call them on the phone & say lets talk about this - i'm sure you will see it my way after all "I am a world celebrity."

  27. Answering that question would be above his paygrade.

  28. he'll talk to them just like Neville Chamberlain did

  29. Nuke them like Rosevelt did back in the day.

    Don't say democrats won't defend this country.

    Unless I see the president of Iran come out with a nuke, I would say de-ja-vu of iraq

  30. First of all, Putin is no longer president of Russia, Medvedev is now

    president and Putin is his puppet master.Russia only wants to control

    only two things in it's region, oil and natural gas.Russia wants to

    control both of these natural resources and subsequently control any

    country, such as Georgia,Poland etc. If Russia controls the pipelines,

    they can control countries that want to join NATO !

                       The US Government has a major job on it's hand trying to to prevent this scenario from happening. I think Israel has the capabilities to soon eliminate any Iranian nuclear threat.          

  31. If this happens we all better cling to religion.

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